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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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-14- <br />Mr. Riseo stated that he has found kide eti11 wanti hamburgeru when <br />~hey go out to eat, He plano to have mueical chimea plnyinq in tihe <br />ack9round ~f the restiaurant and he ia trying to puE d~q~ity <br />°w.back into the lower priced food. <br />Commiasion ~fe,~nber Fedor aeked how Busger Towar would compare to <br />Perkine. Mr. Rieao replied thnti otiler than tha size oP the menu, <br />it would be very comparable. <br />Chairpereon Haaka stated thati ehe wae ebill ooncerned about the <br />trafPic cominq out nnto Red Oak Dr9,ve, <br />Commie~ion Member 2epper etated that if the restauran+, did have 75 to <br />80 eeata, and the average car carried 3 peopla, that only 25 aare <br />would be entoring per hour, which he di.d not £ee1 was exaeeeive. <br />Chairpereon Haaka pointad out that the drive would eerve three <br />eetablishmente. <br />Mr. Aieso reported that had Ueen dane and revealad that the <br />geagraphical market area of this type oE operation is no moxe thnn <br />three milee. Also, there is a gocd pereentage of people who will etop <br />at any i•ast food place to est, and with McDOnald'e in MounSs Viaw and <br />Burges Kin9 by Northtown, there would not be that great a nwnber drivittg <br />to his restaurant spec:lEically. <br />ffiSSP (Glazar^Fedor) to racommend ta Counail that the request oE James <br />!efrig~rRtian,to dewalop a conveniance Pood eetabliehment et the aorner <br />--(NB) of Hlghway 10 and Rad pak Drive be denie8. The reason Por thl.e <br />recommendation ie based on th~ pr.emisea thab it ie nat in conPormity <br />with the Comprehanaiva Plan to preeerve the reaidential aharaoter ot <br />thia particular dietrict. It is far too intenss to uae to abut an <br />establiahed reeidential area. It aill promote s goad deal o! traPiia <br />on Hillview which is presently quita aerenc~. It wl11 elso probnbly <br />augment developmon~ along Red Oak Drive. The disausaion that bzouqht <br />the upgrade of Compaseion Center currently applied to thie requeet.~ <br />A roll aall vote was taken~ <br />Conuniosion Member <br />~qrnmisaion Mernbe•r <br />Cqmmission Member <br />Chairperson Haake <br />Co~mniasion Member <br />Commieaiqn Member <br />Commieeipn Member <br />Cqmmieeion Member <br />Fosa - nay <br />alanohard - nay <br />Burmeister - nay <br />- nay <br />Gl.azer - aye <br />E'edor - aye <br />Mnckaben - nsy <br />2eNper •- nay <br />Commieaion Member 2epper ~ointed out thtst the nrea is already <br />zoned 8-3. <br />6 neye <br />2 eyeo <br />^ommiseien Member Burmeiater etated that theze is elreedy high deneity <br />1~d commercial development in the area and that it Boee no*. qo againaC <br />~..~he Cemprerianeive Plan. It is epecially zoned Por 4uch e purpoee. <br />
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