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1977-07-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1977-07-20 PC Minutes
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-is- <br />Commisaion Member Glazer replied thnt '~he particula= use ie bad for <br />f'~he area. Cammiseion Member Aurmeieter replled that anythinq that <br />ould qo in there then would be Uad. <br />Commiesion Member Glazer etated that accese on and of.f oE Highway 10 <br />from Re~ Oa1c Drive ie xlready difficult. He atated he lives on <br />Hill.view and ie familiar with the traffic patterns and that it is - <br />almoet impoaeible to get onto Highway 10 now unlese at a eignal. <br />Chairpernon Haake pointed out that most peopie take Highway 10 either <br />norCh or eouth to Red Oak Grive. <br />Commieeion Member Fedor stated that ha would like to add a commant <br />that many hours were spent working together on the Compreheneive Plan <br />and that generally you do not qo against the Comprehansive Plnn. <br />Commieaion Membar 7epper replled that the proposed restaurant would <br />not go againet th~ Comprehensive Plsn an the area is already zonad B-3, <br />which is what 1s requirad. <br />Mr. Jamee etated that he bel+_eves the best uae of Lhe land is cor,unercial. <br />Also, ho goinked out that when he was considE,~ing purchasing the <br />proper.ty he wae told by the City that it was ~uitable for commprc3al <br />uee and that ho did not believe it wae appropriate for aparhment <br />buildinge. 8ordner Consultanta had repo:ted to him that it would bo <br />eerved baeically by a ly mile radius, with a maximtun of 3 miles. <br />~~SF (2epger-Blanchard) to approve the conditional use and two vaziancas <br />or the proposal Eor 9urger Tower as pr~eantad by Charles Jamea of <br />-Jamb~ ~a£rigaratiou. Conditional use approval ~vill, r.equire a variance <br />of 50 parking acaces and u curb cut of 26' ra~her than 22' on Red Oak Dr,~ <br />A rqll aall vote was takens <br />Commieeion Membar <br />Commiseion Member <br />Commlasion Member <br />C,hairpaYSOn Haake <br />Commieeion Member <br />Comrniseion Membar <br />Commiseion Meinber <br />Cummi.aeion Membez <br />Fose - aye <br />Blanchard - aye <br />Burmeister - aye <br />- aye <br />G1azoL - nay <br />k'edqr ~ nay <br />Mackeben - aye <br />Zepper - aye <br />Commieeion Member Fass pointed out that the zoning code akatoa that <br />conditione must be met on conditional use ~ermits. The City Council <br />must approve it and they can hold a public hearinq if they wieh. <br />Commission Member Fedoz atated that varisnaee are generally granted <br />for. hardships and that they ehould think abaut changing th~ ordinance <br />a.s far as parking ia concerne8. The owner, Mr. James, has thrae lots <br />with which to cnme up with tho required parkinq spacee. Chairpereon <br />Haake aqreed thnt t}ie ordinance ehould be reviewed £or parking epacee. <br />6 ayee <br />2 naya <br />
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