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_g_ <br />He rep~rtad tihat the propoaed zoning is a PUD proaose ar,d thati the <br />~tajor portian would be B-4. Also, iP all goea well with tho Sbate <br />~ Jlghway Dapertmar,t, a naw ncaosa will 6e gut in on Highway 10, thue <br />° providinq four eidad exposure to the davelopment. The road xliqnment <br />of Woodale wae ohanged elightily on the concept plan due to lining it <br />up with the proposed changeover. Okher than that, the concept remalne <br />the eame ae beEore. <br />Mr. Beim stated that he aould not quarantea that the area would look <br />exactly as ~t wae laid out on the concept plan dua to the wishee and <br />raquoats o£ whoever bought tha property and put in bueineseea, but <br />that tha plan ehowed it to be how he doeired it be. <br />61r. tVoad po3ntad out there would be an office warehoueo or light indus- <br />trial axea and that while an area had been aet asidefor it, 1t could <br />not Ue guarantded that would be tihc~ exact apot it would be built. The <br />bulk of the development will be retail, commercial and r99t3uran~. <br />Chairperson Haake asked if the R-0 zoning would allow an apartment <br />buildinq 10 etorieR hlgh to go in. Official Aoae replied thgt three <br />stor!ea is the maximum and that the Gity did hav~ control over th9 <br />height of any plannad building. <br />Commiaeion Membar Glazer asked who.rA the figure 2.2 people per unit <br />aama from. Mr. Wood replied that they had used the Metro Councll <br />fiqures, which wne an overall aver.aqe taken throuqhout tite mntro area. <br />:ltatrperson Ifaake pointad out there were presently £our lots exitiny onto <br />.:ounty Apad H-2 and felt that there might be a problem with too much <br />traffia trying to get onto A^2. <br />Chairpereon Ytaako aeked whnE happened to the plan once it was approvad <br />by the Commiesion and sent on to the Council. Mr. Roee replied that <br />there ware three steps to go through,firet the conaept plan, then the <br />development plan and then tlte final plan. The Council would oet a public <br />Y~earing on th.°. is~ue. <br />Chairpor9on Haaka stated that Mn/DOT ha3 reEused io put in a signallizd <br />interchariqe until 1983 and aske~ if there was any chance of getting <br />one earlier. Official Roae replied that when the developmen~ does <br />taka p7.ace, a curb cut could be made to alluw a right turn lane, and <br />thut the Stote Flighway Depnrtment works on a need basie, so he could <br />not say whethez or not a eignal would be put in, <br />Councilmember 9aumgartner stated that a meeting had been held June 20, <br />1977, a representative fro~r'the Highway Department and that the <br />representative would not commit himaelf to the cut, eince t11e cub <br />would serve na purpooe until the developmant was put in. OEEicial Aose <br />also statad that tha Highway Department was oppoaing kJ~e signal becaase <br />of prublema in synchroniLing the stop lighte. However, he dici not <br />feel that the eignal was definiteZy ruled out. <br />~ <br />