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Apr11 12, 1978 <br />Page 7 <br />~ike Nevrtnan, 8180 Spring lake Road expressed conr.ern aiith Lot 7 catching water, Mr~ <br />~ urphy replled that there was a tow 7otnt an the tot which provides Por naturei <br />drainage. He added thaC it wauld noC present any problems~ Mr, Tharnton added <br />the iot niight possibTy have to be built up a b1t. <br />Mr. Cheznick presented pictures of the water on Lot 7. Ne also asked why the P1enning <br />Cortmission would be more incllned to a11~:, duplexes rather than single famiiy homes <br />next to Hlghway 10. Chairperson Haake replied that the Comprehensive Plan calls for <br />that tyPe of develop~nent. She added that single family home owners would nat want to <br />build aleng such a busy road. She also poinCed out thet Lot 1 would provide a buPfeM <br />bet4~een the gas staCiun and homes, Commission Member Fedor aiso pointed out that the <br />R-2 houses that were prasently being bu11t did not differ much from the frontages ~f <br />single family homes. <br />Mr. Cl~eznick asked what the fronts would iook like and if the houses w~uid b~ centered <br />an the 1ots. Official Rose repiied that. the fronts would depend upon the style of <br />each fiouse and that they would be centered as much ¢s possfble while at the saioe time <br />they would try to save the trees. Mr. Thornton added that he wouid be happy to <br />discuss the piacement of the homes. <br />Mr. Ne~nan stated that he was concerned wit•h havlr,g extra cars on the road because oP <br />the shortage of parking spaces at the dupiexes. Mr. Thornton replied thct. he felt <br />there would be ample parking ailowed for since the duptexes would all have doubie <br />garages. He a7so pointed out that he wi17 be doing all he can to enhance the appearance <br />of the duplexes since he wi71 also be buitding single family homas and trying to se11 <br />r-~those at the same time. <br />~ <br />`•^^'Mr. Cheznick stated that he felt it wouTd be difficult to se77 a dupiex on either <br />side of Mid-pmerican Auto because of the appearance of the business. Mr. 7harnton <br />repiied that he was confide~t he wouid have no probie.m io seliing the ~omes. <br />Comnission Member Foss stated Ehat he feit tf~e duplexes would provide a good buffer <br />by being next to the car lot. <br />, _..~_.__., __....___ <br />` MSP {Burr~ister-Blanchard) to recomnend Co the Council approval of the roquest of Ken <br />i Thornton for a ~wo bloak, 20 tot subdivision and rezoning of 14 lots from B-4 to R-1 (Bloc!c 1, <br />~ lots 1, 2 und 3; B7ock 2, lots 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 70, 11, 13, 14 and 15), 5 1oCS from B-4 to <br />t. R-2 ( D1ock 1, ?ot 4 and Block 2, lots 2, 5, 6 and 7), or if Out7ot A is included, 6 lots <br />~ from 8-4 to R-2. If Out1oC A is nut rezoned to R-2, it then wi11 become part of Lot 6, <br />B1ock 2. Easements for tF.e looped water main should be the north 10' and east 10' of Lot 6, <br />the south 10' of Lot B, the north 20' of Lok 7, and 20' of the northeast corner of Outiot A, <br />and for drainege, the uiest 10' of Lot 6 a~d the east 10' of Lot 5, and 10' of the northwest <br />' corner of Outlat A. These e~senxnts are sub~ect tn a feasibitity study ryroducing the fact <br />t.hat this would be the best way, creating a n~inimum 7os5 of existing foliage, lot 3 would <br />require an 8' frontage variance at tlie building setback line and Lot 4 will require a 25' <br />f~•ontage variance at the buiiding setback line. !at 1, B7ock 2 will rERUtre a 10' fronCage <br />variance and an Lot 13, e varience wiTi be required for boCh setback e,~d 1ts 65' frontage. <br />On the existing utility easements on the north side of lots 72 and 13 in Black 2, the owner <br />has agreed to dedicate a 75' walkway on the southeast corner of Lot 14. A development agree- <br />ment wi11 aiso be necessary. ?he eesement 15 for a catch bas9n insta7lation and conduit to <br />~rain to the existing ditch atong Highway 10 pending the feasibility study. 6 ayes <br />~omnission Mamber (ilazer ~ofoed the maeting at tM s time, <br />