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4 <br />June 28, 1973 <br />~O,Commtsston Member eurmeister asked where the wecer would run off to, Otftciai Roee <br />f ~'replied that a swatl couid be meintelned betweeri Lhe two bulldings and bring the <br />water out to the atreet. <br />Commissioro Member Glazer asked if the City hes the nacessary conduit to hendle the <br />runaff from the development. Officiel Rose replled thet they couid bring the awe11 <br />along the property 11ne and bring the ~ater to the street, since there are ae4erel <br />conduits along County Road H whlch empty across the atreet. He edded th&t if tha <br />swail is sodded or green, it would prevent eroston, <br />Commission Member Glexer esked whet the Rice Creek W~ter Shed Diatrict felt abouL <br />the water goiny into the creek and if they would look at It flrst. Offlciel Aote <br />replied that the devslopment woutd noC be chengtng the aaved ~ree end that ha did <br />not belleve it was necessary for Ehem to look at 1t. <br />Comnission Member quan asked how much paving there was. Mr. Korf replled thore 1K <br />presen~iy 30' and the addition wou~d require 0.0'. <br />Comnission Member foss stated thAt he could see no prnblem with the devetopnent but <br />wouid suggest a green strip or shrubs be requlred, as it hes been requlw•d o? mact <br />new businesses. Chalrperson Haake agreed that it waa e good potnt. <br />Mr. Karf stated that the easement is landsceped with crashed rock, and Chere are tome <br />shrubs 1n front of the building. <br />paqe 2 <br />~"1Cheirperson ilaake pninted ouC that pnrking 1s not nli4wed in tha tirst 36'. 09fic1el <br />~,,~,~tosa ndded that tf~ere is presently e 15' green apece wtth no parklnp ellowed, en thr <br />right-of-wey, which does conform with the code. <br />Commisston Member Foss pointed out thet they had eerller raqulred Smitb Trantfer to <br />replac2 some trees which had dted. Cheirperson Ilaake stetad she npreod thet Eha <br />green space and planting6 shou?d be required. <br />Official Ros: stated that Staff did noL eddress the 1oFation of the perkinp et much <br />as the number of parking spaces as it exlsts, to meke sura there ere Lhe raqulrad number <br />of spaces. He added that tt tha Planning Comnlsslon'a or C1ty Councll's peroyative <br />to add additional requirements. <br />Chairperson Haake stated that she wes concerned thara mlqr,t nct be enouph perking <br />spaces if the property was sold and someone else movud 1n, Offic~ai Roe~ raplled that <br />the bullding is such that iP 1t wes so1d, the new owner wduid hava to aome before tha <br />Alanning Commission end the lssue could be eddresasd then~ <br />Chairperson Heeke asked 1f the Task Force hed eny comnenE. Bili Doty reptled thet when <br />something is added on, the cltizens 11ke 'co aee thinga Alroupht up to dete w!th code. <br />MSP (Foss-Blancherd} to recommend to the City Counall epprovel of ~ery Korf, Horse <br />and Nider Western Wear, for the eddltion to hie preRent bulldi~p, with the Additian <br />to be 40' deep by 36' wfde, sub~ect to the followln~ condltions, b' setback on Che <br />west side of the buiiding, end off-streeL parklng aa fotlows, empioyea off-street <br />parking 1lmited to the eask end north sides, aipht unmarked o#1-street perking spaces <br />, sauth of the butiding ns par Ordlnance 40.07, Subdivitlon H 14, which shoutd be merked <br />."~with white painted itnes not to ba less then 4" w9de, with e11 stalle tu be 9k' x 20, <br />and aiso a ptroposed sketch for the yreen atrlp in front with p1nnC9ngs that w111 ba <br />suhm+~ted to the s~allding Officiet for Ms approvel. % ayee <br />