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1979-06-20 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1979-06-20 PC Minutes
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Mounda Vieu Planning Commiesion <br />Page 4 <br />June 20, 1979 <br />eorC of development wae foraeeen for tha area, lie further etated thie <br />klnd of plan vould be highly daeirrLl• for thiu dAVelopmect ae aell. <br />g NounEain questioned i! a plan of thie type could legally be raquired <br />. nm tho developer vhen he'e only raquasCing d~vieion of the land. <br />~hairpereon Haake indlcatad it wae har u¢darstanding Chat an ovarsll <br />plan cuuld ba required. <br />QfYiclal Roee indicated that evea though an overall plan ie not ^ubmi;::ed, <br />tha Clty will have Ehe privilege of ravlaai¢g each propoeal, and all <br />poasible ramificetione~ individuelly as Chey develop. <br />6ommiseion MemLar Burmeiater cailed for the quaaEion. <br />M8P (Saake/Fedor) to approve the requaeE of the applica¢te, W. R. Pordor <br />and Jamee L. Truckar, 2179 Mustaag Rd. (appros.), to creatu eeven lota ae <br />par their prelimiaery plat, Mou¢de Ytew Induetrial Park 03, daCed 5/29~79, <br />ravieed 6/14/79, eub~act to the folloai4g coadieiones Ci~e appilcante <br />shouid enter SnBn a Je•rnlopment agreement with eha City ruseucat to tUe <br />inetal.lation of public improvamante and 6nnding. <br />5 ayes <br />(*Commiesioa Membero Goebel 2 neye* <br />aod 6lszer) <br />Co~mleeion Membar 6laaer eCat~d tha reaeone ha voted ¢ay vera that ths City <br />hadn't eetablieked the boundariee of the flood plain aad it could affect <br />Yhe practLcal divisloa of the proparty= aud that Plaaaing Commieeion haea't <br />bacefited from the remarke of the Rice Craek Wataretied sud other euch <br />enoies. <br />"'~hairpereaa Haake etated iE would be halpful £or Planning Commieeio¢ to <br />~ave the chackliek thst aas prepared by 9taff £or uea in maki¢g de~iaione. <br />6ha ataaed her coacarn thaC propo~ale were being paeaed deepiCe their <br />aoncerne, and euggeeted a wurkehop take place afCer the planning coneult- <br />ant ie hlred. Commiseion Hember Coebal etated the Planning Commiealoa <br />seeme to be unabla to hold thair grouod on unit developmeat. <br />tlfficial Roee praeented a requeot for variance for frocC yard eatback <br />from Mr. G Mre. Thomae Shun. The applicant pxopoeee to build a 40-foot <br />houea on Eha 85-fook loC located at 7S80 9unnqeida Road. Thla lot hae a <br />numbar of red oak CrRes approximetely 79 faet baak aad, in an afforC to <br />keep ne many of theee tzeae ae poeeible, e eetbeck oi• 83 feet le requeeted. <br />The F[iCahalle ak 7970 9unayeide have a eatback of 67 faeC aad tha Amu¢deene <br />at 7990 Sunayeide hava a eetback of 7J faet. <br />Mre. Shun etated they would loee thirteen red oak zrees without thie <br />variance and it was her underetanding that red oake are not tolerant of <br />moving. Sha sCaCed bokh Amundeene and Mitetielle are eupportiva. Shs <br />indicatad her 4ealing that Eha larga number of kruee along Subayeide Rd. <br />made iE uaique aud beautiful. <br />Coumieeioa Member Ooebel etatad thaC if tha house Se placed on the ceatcr <br />oE the lot, it become~ a probiem long aEter the treeu ~ra gone. <br />x halrp~reon 8aaka quaetionad the chancee oP k1111ag tho rooCe by building. <br />~eg MounCain in4icatad Chay hsd rrael.vad a varlance and oae yaar a£kar <br />buildlnQ, 27 rad oaka died. Official Aoae iadiasted rod oake are eueceptible <br />to oak wile a14o, but chamicale for treatment are available. <br />
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