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,- <br />Maunds View Planning Commlssion Mey 6, 1981 <br />Regular Fteeting <br />°---------------------------------°-~------------° <br />----~- Page Seven. <br />°---------^--^----^ <br />Motton Second: Warren/McCarthy moved to aecept 14. Harstad 6 Todd Constructlon <br />eso ut on o. 21-B1 as written. (Resolution Appruxtmetely ~dgewoad Drive <br />~ is atteched). end Hillview Roed - Ma,~or <br /> Subdiviston - Single Famity <br />6 eyes 0 nays DeYelapmenC - Case 82-81 <br /> Resolut!on No. 21-81 <br /> Motion CeNrled. <br />Pbtion Second: Harren/McCarthy moved to accept 15. Heretad & Todd Cnnstruction <br />eso u on o. 22-81 es wriEten. (Resolution 5169 Lonflview Drive - Ma~or <br />is etteched). Subdivlsion - Cambinetlon <br /> Rdsidential and Comnerc~lel <br />6 ayes 0 neys. Development - Case No. 84-81 <br /> Resolutlon No. 22-81 <br /> Motion Carried. <br />The appllcant was not in attendance. 16. James 8. Jackson - 2935 <br /> Highway 10, Rezoning {(~1 <br />Motlan Second: Warren/Milter moved Lo accept to R-3) Medium Denslty <br />~so uC on o. 24-81 recomnandin denlal, as Residentlal - Cese No. 73-81 <br />wrltten. (t~laolution is attached~. R~solutlon No. 24-81 <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motion Carrted. <br />tbtion/Second: McCarthy/Viarren moved to contlnue <br />.. 17. Extension of Meeting Time. <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ the meeting untit the end of the agenda. <br />~"~ <br />6 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried. <br />The appllcant, Mr. Elgenheer, and Ed Hance, 2401 <br />Lowry Avenue, Minoeapolls, were in atCendanca. <br />Mr. Hance said that Ehe proposal has been arnund <br />for three years and he feels an action shouSd be <br />taken. Further that this proposal has substantlally <br />higher ground than other proposals that have been <br />deferred. <br />0lscussion took plac_e__on the fotlowing: <br />Ordinance a01. Protected wetlands. <br />Length of t~me that the proposal hes been around <br />Motion Seeond: Mauntin/McCarthy moved to accept <br />eso ut on -81 as written. <br />1&. Rrbert Eigenhner (Mounds <br />View Square P1aC) 2381 <br />Covnty Road I - Ma~or <br />Subdivislon - Singe Fam97y <br />Residentlal - Case No. G5-80 <br />Resolution No. 23-81 <br />dscusslon on the Motion: <br />Gtazer: stated that thls proposal began befoPe Ordinance <br />went into'effect. <br />t ; hbtion Second: Warren/Glazer moved to delete the <br />~~/ anguage n esotution 23-81 and to insert new <br />lenguage. Mntion withdrawn - Motlon <br />out of order. <br />;a> <br />