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Moundn Viaw Planning Commieaion April 4, 1984 <br />Regular Meat~n~ Page Thxee <br />------~---------------------------~----•-^-~------°-----------~------- <br />~ Chairman Mountin noted L•h1a particular piece of property <br />hae bman before the Planning Co~nieeion and City Council <br />~, eaveral rimea in the paee few yeare, and they have seen <br />many changae with the propoeals, based on the input ths <br />City hae given the daveloper, She noted the residents <br />of the area have clearly indicated thay do noC want any <br />additional apartmenta Cltere, acroae from their R-1 <br />homes. She alan noted that the developer ie once again <br />atarting over with a new plan for the area, <br />It wae noted that in the past, the Planning Coumnisaion <br />has cottsidexed the option of not rezoning property until <br />1t wae knacm what the pxoparty would be used far. The <br /> Plan, coneidering the lay of the 1and, has <br />indicated that an induetrial uae caould be quite we11 <br />buf.fered and auiea6le Lor r.he area. The Co¢uniseionere <br />agreed tfiey would like to work out the beat compromiae. <br />Charlea MiAler, Councy ftos~l H2 >n4 °~;^.r.^nd, ntat.ed he <br />liveR directly acroes from the pruposed developmant, <br />end if the Craffi,c would be kept ofE County Road H2, <br />and the area would have a buffer zone, as planned, <br />he would be in agreement with an in3uetrial/commeraial <br />development. He added he definieely did not want <br />apartsent bvi.~,dinge put in there. <br />~^~ Mr. BaLch etated he has had callr~ from truckars <br />~ ~ <br />~,.,-' recenCLy, inCeres;:ed in going in that area, and he <br />has informad them he did not believe the City would <br />ailow them in thst axea, under a conditional uae <br />pe~mit. <br />Mrs. Miller atated that when apartmenl•a were proposed <br />eaxlier, the quzstion of storm sewers came up, and <br />sl~e asked who would pay for rhem nnw. <br />Mr. Boxrud repliej tAe only thing being requested notr <br />ie an induatrial rezoning, with all drainage going <br />south, and the developer does uot exper.t any of the <br />reaidenta north to pay for ie. He added the dr~inage <br />plan i.a curxently under review, and they wLll nut <br />know the impact for a few more weeks. <br />Mrs. Miller stated ehe would appreciate having the <br />berming done in a timely manner, to cut down on <br />blowing sand and debrie from the conetruction aite. <br />Mr, Balch replied they would agree to that. <br />Discussion took place among the Cou~isaioners, with <br />questions being raised a~ to when Raytnand Avenue <br />is put in, if the lane will Ao through the <br />~ berm, what type o£ shrubs will be placed on top of the <br />~• berm, and what impact the lighting and noiae will <br />have. <br />~ <br />~ <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />~~~ <br />~ <br />Mr, Boxrud explained the fire lane would go through the <br />