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Mounde View Planning Commiseion Auguat 1, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />----------------------------~---------~-------~~--~------------^------ <br />~ Thare wes diecuesion between the Comnieaionere and Mx, <br />Liche ae to whan new Highway lU would be aterted ae <br />the Comniesionere had heard receatly 3C was not ~n the <br />foreaeeable futura. Mr. Licht atated h1e eource had <br />been the diserict oEfice o£ MnDOT, who had told him <br />it wae echedulad within the next year, He eteted he <br />would doubla check hie source. <br />Mr, Licht etatQd that in reeponea to concern about <br />noiee'levels end lead i:i the air, generated from the <br />traffic on Highway 10, that vegetation along Highway 10 <br />would make no noticeable dif£erenca, and ehat a eoli~ <br />barrie.r would be required Co cut down the noise. He <br />edded that the trafPic patCerns and etop lighte would <br />increase the amount of emmiseione in the air, but new <br />Highway 10 ~hould have a draetic impacC on reducing <br />them. <br />In response to safeCy concerne, Mz. Licht aCated the <br />area would be cowpLetely fenced and the ohildren <br />aupervised at all timeo Ly Che center's stafE, <br />Mr, Licht reported they have analyzed the dszta avail- <br />able for the impa~t on tzaffic, and they do not feel <br />it wi11 present a problem. 1'he bank traffic is not <br />r~ grESt aC thia t~e, and the houzs wh~reā€¢the pax~nts <br />;,~j will be caming and going should not create a probLem. <br />Director Thatcher added that the development agreement <br />with th~ bank requirements them co install a right <br />turn lane i£ traYfic on Red Oak Drive hecomas a problem. <br />The'Commissionere asked if a raised barm would haVe any <br />effect on the Hillview eide. Mr. Licht replied that a <br />very gentle slnpe is required, and tfiere ia not enough <br />room on the property to do that. <br />Robart Bors, the repreaentative From Kindez Caxe, atated <br />they would be to move their fencing inside the <br />shrube and trees, for safety reasons. He also advised <br />thar Kinder L'are had r.ecently developed in Cottage Grove, <br />on a Preeway ramp, and the PCA determined it was not <br />neceesary to teat the noise levels there, <br />~ The Planning Coimnisaion directed Staff to prepaxe a <br />' resolntion to appr.ove the conditional uae permit for the <br />~ propoeed Kinder Care daycare facility, aubaect to a noise <br />d batrier b~ing erected according to the recommtendatiane of <br />i MnDOT, additional landscaping as recormaended in Exhibit E, <br />~ the traeh encloeure being relocated 15 feet weat and a <br />loading berth being designated, a variance be granted to <br />! ~ exempt the parking and ioading area 1'rum setback require- <br />~ ments, wiCh the hardship bein$ the irregular ahape oP the <br />lot, the cettter be in conformance with the rules and <br />reguxations of DPW Rule No. 3, the drainage and curb <br />cuts meet Che apecifications of tha CiCy Engineer, and <br />