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Mounds View City Council January 23, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />. Councilmember Quick questioned whether any public <br />notification had been done. <br />Public Works Director Minetor explained only what <br />the City had received from the MTC, and they would <br />be publicizing it after the Council approved the <br />request. <br />Councilmember Quick noted quite a few home owners <br />would be affected by this change, and some people <br />would not be very happy with it. <br />Councilmember Blanchard questioned whether the MTC <br />had provided statistics of the number of riders <br />both north and south of Ardan Avenue who ride that <br />route. <br />Public Works Director Minetor replied they had not. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the logic seems to be there, <br />and the only thing missing is the notification of <br />the people who are living in the area. If the <br />request was tabled for a few weeks, they could get <br />public input and still not hold up'the MTC on the <br />April 3 date. <br />• Clerk/Administrator Pauley stated if the Council <br />tables the request, they could consider having Staff <br />or the MTC do something, such as putting an infor- <br />mational press release in the newspaper, to let people <br />know the change is being considered, and will be con- <br />sidered by the Council at their February 13 meeting. <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Blanchard to table this until <br />the next regular Council meeting on February 13, and <br />direct Staff to take the action necessary to notify <br />the residents. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion explained the Council <br />had directed the Park and Rec Commission last spring <br />to discuss some type of plan for developing handi- <br />capped facilities in the parks, and the Park and Rec <br />Commission has proposed a plan to make three parks, <br />Greenfield Park, City Hall Park and Silver View Park, <br />handicapped accessible. Park and Rec Director <br />Saarion briefly reviewed the plan .proposed by the <br />Park and Rec Commission. <br />• Motion/Second: Wuori/Blanchard to approve Resolution <br />No. 2405, establishing a plan for developing hand- <br />capped accessibility in the parks, and waive the <br />reading. <br />Motion Carried <br />11. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2405, <br />Establishing a <br />Plan for Handi- <br />capped Accessi- <br />bility in the <br />Parks <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />