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Mounds View City Council February 13, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Bob Carpenter, 2650 Lake Court Drive, stated 27-30 <br />people from the area were present who were not in <br />favor of this, with. their main concerns being noise <br />and traffic. He stated he was opposed to having <br />something like this open up. <br />Dave Lockna, no address given, stated he was president <br />of the homeowners association'of Silver Lake Woods, <br />and they all strongly agree they do not want such a <br />facility in their neighborhood. <br /> <br />Charlie Grovel,. property manager of Silver View Plaza, <br />explained this request was brought to the City as the <br />result of having a potential tenant who ended up going <br />elsewhere because this use was not allowed in a B-2 <br />zone. He added the conditions are their idea, and <br />the limitations would allow the type of business they <br />want to see in a B-2 zone, which would be retail and <br />the selling of accessories and clothing. He added <br />they do not currently have an applicant trying to <br />get into the center, but are planning for the future. <br />He added Kraus Anderson does not want a tenant who <br />would not be good for the center, and they want a <br />clean operation. <br />• George Vahn, 2648 Lake Court Drive, stated history is <br />repeating itself, in that an operation similar to this <br />was brought into another neighborhood, over the resi- <br />dents objections, and even with similar conditions as <br />those that are proposed, within 4 years the neighbor- <br />hood had serious problems with motorcycle gangs,. and <br />lower property values. <br />Jack Crowley, 2566 Mounds View Drive, stated that even <br />if it is just parts sold, people will arrive on <br />motorcycles and ruin the neighborhood. <br />Mr. Masanz, 2626 Lake Court Drive, asked why the <br />rezoning was being requested if there no longer is <br />a tenant interested in moving in. <br />City Planner Herman explained it would be for potential <br />future tenants. <br />Mayor Hankner stated Kraus Anderson has come before <br />the Council several times asking for slight changes <br />in the Code to allow certain businesses in. She <br />explained anyone can come in at any time to request a <br />change in the Code, at which time a zoning change goes <br />before the Planning Commission, who reviews it and <br />makes a recommendation to the Council. It is up to <br />the Council to ultimately approve or reject the change. <br />The public hearing tonight is being held to get input. <br />She added the Council needs to hear from the people to <br />be able to make an informed decision. <br />