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%Rounds View City Council July 24, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />City Planner Hren reviewed the request of the applicant <br />for a wetland alteration permit to replace existing <br />patio blocks with a 4" concrete slab and add a sidewalk <br />with stairs to access the garage door. This would be <br />entirely within the wetland buffer zone, necessitat- <br />ing a wetland alteration permit. The lot meets all <br />minimum lot requirements and the proposed additions <br />meet all setback requirements. Staff has reviewed <br />and finds there would be no impact on the wetland <br />and recommends approval of the request. <br />There were no comments from anyone present, so Mayor <br />Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:10 PM. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened 7. Public Hearing: <br />the second public hearing at 7:10 PM. Conditional Use <br />Permit Request <br />Ms. Hren reviewed the request of the applicant for for Michael <br />a conditional use permit to allow for construction Read. 2208 <br />of an oversized shed on an existing slab on his lot. Lois Drive <br />A portion of the lot is within the wetland buffer <br />area, but the slab itself is not, and thus does not <br />require a wetland alteration permit. However, a <br />• conditional use permit is required due to the size of <br />the building. The Planning Commission has reviewed <br />the request and recommends approval. <br />There were no comments from anyone present, so Mayor <br />Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:12 PM. <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Blanchard to approve Resolu- <br />tion No. 2510, approving a conditional use permit <br />request by Michael Read to construct an oversized <br />accessory building at 2208 Lois Drive, Planning <br />Case No. 267-89, and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Blanchard to approve Resolu- <br />tion No. 2512. approving a wetland alteration permit <br />for Sabri Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, Planning Case No. 269-89, <br />and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened 8. Public Hearing: <br />the third public hearing at 7:15 PM. Conditional Use <br />Permit Request <br />for Michael <br />Flaws. 7620 <br />Groveland Road <br />