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Mounds .View City Council August 14. 1989 <br />Regular .Meeting Page Six <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Quick to approve Resolution No. <br />2518, approving a major subdivision for Michael <br />Mezzenga, approximately 8140/8212 .Long Lake Road, <br />Planning Case No. 256-88, and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley clarified that the final <br />plat will have to be filed and approved before the <br />building permit can be issued. <br />Ms. Hren reviewed the request of Taco Bell to add a 10. Consideration <br />24 s.f. reader board to the freestanding sign. The of Resolution <br />additional signage is still within the allowable No. 2524, <br />signage for the property, but because this is a PUD, Regarding Taco <br />any change to the plan requires Council approval. Bell <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Blanchard to approve Resolution <br />No. 2524, approving the planned unit development sign <br />plan amendment request by Taco Bell for Mounds View <br />Business Park, and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />• Finance Director Brager reported the City is trying 11. Consideration <br />to comply with the 1988 truth in taxation law, and is of Resolution <br />taking a conservative approach. The citizens will No. 2523, <br />receive mailed notices of all pub lic hearings of all Certifying the <br />bodies who levy taxes on their pr operty. 1990 Property <br /> Tax Levies and <br />Mr. Brager reviewed the proposed 1990 budget for the Budgets <br />City, and compared it to the 1989 actual, which <br />represents a 2.9~ increase in the budget. The <br />property tax levy will .remain the same. A public <br />hearing has been scheduled on the final proposed <br />budget for 7:05 PM on October 9. <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Wuori to approve Resolution <br />No. 2523, certifying the 1990 final proposed general <br />fund, forestry fund and debt service property tax <br />levies and budgets and setting the date for a public <br />hearing on the same pursuant to present truth in <br />taxation legislation. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Dave Putnam, of Merila & Associates. project engineer 12. Consideration <br />on the Mounds View Business Park South project, of Staff Memo <br />• reviewed the bids received for the project. He and Bid Award <br />stated the Council could delay or delete the wetland for Mounds View <br />restoration and trail construction, by change order. Business Park <br />South Public <br />Improvements <br />