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11 <br />Kramer told him Terry Taylor, who was also present, had researched that <br />2 requirement and found that the Sports Boosters, who would be making that <br />3 application, met all the requirements for holding such a license. <br />4 The City Attorney indicated the state required specific locations for <br />5 pull tab operations and those would be identified in the ordinance <br />6 amendment as the only locations within the City where intoxicating <br />7 beverages are authorized to be served. The only two locations in St. <br />8 Anthony which met that criteria would, of course, be the two City - <br />9 operated bars because locations for which the City only issues 3.2 beer <br />10 or wine licenses would not qualify. The state law allows the City to <br />it lease out and charge rent for space in those two locations and Mr. Soth <br />12 said he perceived the lease mechanism was the only control the state <br />13 allowed the City for controlling gambling activities within its borders. <br />14 The lease would approve the agreement reached by the coalition and the <br />15 City Attorney said he perceived it would be necessary to have that <br />16 lease renewed every year the same as the license to maintain City <br />17 control over the gambling operations. <br />18 Councilmember Ranallo pointed out that the state also imposes restric- <br />19 tions on the lease by designating the amount of space which can be <br />20 devoted to charitable gambling in each location and the amount of rent <br />21 the City can charge for that space. He said the state also mandates <br />22 that expenses cannot exceed 45% of the profits. <br />Mayor Sundland then addressed the coalition's request that the 60 days <br />.&4 needed to amend a City ordinance be reduced to 30 days. He told the <br />25 proponents that he perceived the process the City had to follow to <br />26 amend the ordinance would use up all 60 days. He indicated City <br />27 statutes required three readings of the ordinance amendment at three <br />28 subsequent Council meetings after which the ordinance must be published <br />29 within 10 days. The Mayor pointed out that even if everything went <br />30 along like clockwork with the Council directing staff to prepare the <br />31 ordinance that evening for its first reading November 8th, the third <br />32 reading and adoption would only be possible at the Council's December <br />33 13th meeting, after which the ordinance has to be published within 10 <br />34 days. Only then could a lease be executed and charitable gambling <br />35 instituted in St. Anthony. <br />36 Mayor Sundland said the formation of the coalition had made the <br />37 acceptance of charitable gambling a lot easier for him but he thought <br />38 it should also be imperative that the process not be shortened because <br />39 the City ordinance had been written to allow the Councilmembers enough <br />40 time to study the issues involved and to make any changes they deemed <br />41 necessary before the ordinance became law. The 60 days would also <br />42 give the community ample time to understand just what the Council <br />43 intended to do. The Mayor then told the coalition representatives that <br />44 he couldn't recall any time except during a City emergency, when that <br />45 ordinance process had been suspended. <br />Councilmember Makowske noted that the coalition had only proposed <br />47 conducting charitable gambling from 4:00 P.M. to closing on Thursday, <br />