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CC MINUTES 06281988
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06281988
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Last modified
7/30/2015 9:14:34 AM
Creation date
8/20/2014 7:09:34 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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10 <br />1 Senator Marty Reiterates Claims About Value of New Property Tax Law <br />2 in Phone Calls Following His Appearance Before Council. <br />3 Makowske reported she had been one of the Councilmenbers who had <br />4 gotten a call after Senator Marty had done further research on the <br />5 issue which he perceived supported his claim that the tax changes <br />6 would be good for St. Anthony in the long run. Councilmember Ranallo <br />7 commented that only time and experience would show who was right in <br />8 that controversy. <br />9 Councilmembers Invited to Join Recycling Task Force in Tour of <br />10 Reuters Plant <br />11 Enrooth reiterated that the Task Force was "a very diligent commit - <br />12 tee" who hoped to have a recommendation ready for the Council's <br />13 August 9th meeting. He invited any Councilmember who could make it <br />14 to join the above tour July 12th and to see for themselves the <br />15 alternatives to incinerating waste which will be demonstrated at that <br />16 plant. The Councilmember told Mayor Sundland one of the issues <br />17 which intrigued his committee the most was how to dispose of the <br />18 endless supply of household batteries which release such dangerous <br />19 toxins into the soil when they are sent to landfills. <br />20 Ranallo Reports Attendance at League Human Development Steering <br />21 Committee Meeting in Washington, D.C. Previous Weekend <br />22 The Councilmember said he found the first meeting of this National <br />23 League of Cities committee very interesting, especially when it came <br />24 to the issues of "child care" and Urban homelessness." In relation <br />25 to the first, he said the Committee was split about 70 to 30 in favor <br />26 of cities paying for early child care through a joint effort with the <br />27 state and federal governments. Councilmember Ranallo indicated the <br />28 reasoning behind that support came from the figures showing the <br />29 number of children under the age of 6 who are in the families whose <br />30 homes are in the streets. <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 Both Mr. Childs and Councilmember Ranallo had gotten calls from the <br />34 above person within the last few days. Mr. Childs said he understood <br />35 from his conversation with the man that the driver had been going 15 <br />36 miles over the speed limit when last tagged and was complaining that <br />37 St. Anthony's 35 mile/hr. speed limit on County Road "D" was too <br />38 low. The resident had also suggested the City install a flashing <br />39 light on 37th Avenue to warn drivers of the drop in speed coming <br />40 into St. Anthony going westbound. The City Manager stated that the <br />41 presence of the Wilshire Park school was adequate reason to have traffic <br />42 slowed down and that the police would continue to conscientiously en - <br />43 force the speed limit. Councilmember Marks indicated he anticipated there <br />44 might be an increase in complaints about police vigilance now that <br />45 St. Anthony Boulevard has been reconstructed and the bumps which <br />
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