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CC PACKET 05262015
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 05262015
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Last modified
11/30/2015 9:29:36 AM
Creation date
9/9/2015 8:28:03 AM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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B. Consider licenses and permits; and 1 <br />C. Consider payment of claims. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Motion by Councilmember Jenson, seconded by Councilmember Gray, to approve the Consent 4 <br />Agenda items. 5 <br />Motion carried unanimously. 6 <br /> 7 <br />IV. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE. 8 <br /> 9 <br />V. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF - NONE. 10 <br /> 11 <br />VI. GENERAL BUSINESS OF COUNCIL. 12 <br /> 13 <br />A. St. Anthony Police Crime Prevention Program Overview. Police Chief John Ohl and 14 <br />Sergeant Jon Mangseth presenting. 15 <br /> 16 <br />Police Chief Ohl stated that Sergeant Mangseth has been in charge of the crime prevention 17 <br />program for a long time and recently reorganized the program and reinvented some of the 18 <br />program offerings. He introduced the Police Department’s new CSO, Ismail Turay. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Community Service Officer Ismail Turay stated he was born in Liberia, a country engaged in a 21 <br />civil war, and the things he enjoyed most as a kid included playing soccer and going to the beach 22 <br />because it took him away from the war. He stated he moved to the United States ten years ago 23 <br />and taught himself English by listening to his friends and repeating them. He stated he is a great 24 <br />observer and easily learns by listening and has always used the people around him to learn and 25 <br />become a better person and serve those around him. He stated he enjoys working at the Police 26 <br />Department and has learned a lot from the officers and looks forward to serving the citizens. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Mayor Faust welcomed Community Service Officer Ismail Turay to the United States and to St. 29 <br />Anthony. 30 <br /> 31 <br />Sergeant Mangseth presented an update on the crime prevention program and discussed the 32 <br />Police Department’s involvement with the high school’s crime scene investigation class. He 33 <br />explained that the Department taught a class on search and seizure and witness identification and 34 <br />lineups and the officers also taught the students about defensive tactics and did some practical 35 <br />demonstrations. He advised they were asked to be part of a student assembly on distracted 36 <br />driving and “Minnesotans for Safe Driving” allowed the Police Department to use a crash car 37 <br />that was involved in a fatal accident due to distracted driving and speed and had the vehicle on 38 <br />display at the high school during the week of April 13-17. He stated they also showed a video 39 <br />from Minnesotans for Safe Driving narrated by a 19 year old female involved in a fatal accident 40 <br />and the video provided a very moving description of the impact of tragic accidents involving 41 <br />distracted driving. He stated the Summer Survival School will again take place in June, the 42 <br />Police Department will also participate in Minnesota Night to Unite on August 4th and 43 <br />VillageFest on July 31 and August 1-2. He advised they have revamped the Citizens Academy 44 <br />and are moving away from an eight-week commitment and will be offering three of the most 45 <br />popular classes, i.e., driving under the influence, defensive tactics and use of force, and firearms. 46 <br /> 47 <br />4
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