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PL PACKET 06201995
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PL PACKET 06201995
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12/30/2015 5:29:54 PM
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12/30/2015 5:29:32 PM
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PL PACKET 06201995
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(3) Within 10 feet of the rear lot line. <br /> (b) Where an R4, B, C LI District abutts an R4, R-2 or R-3 District, it is <br /> ,; unlawful to park a vehicle, or provide a parking space, on the -4, B, <br /> C v V 'C or LI property closer than 20 feet from the R-1, R-2 or R-3 property. <br /> "t, <br /> 1650.06 Curb Cuts. The Council has the authority to limit the curb cuts serving a property <br /> or properties where the Council deems it appropriate for safety reasons due to the traffic <br /> on abutting streets. No curb cut to a parking area may be more than 28 feet in width. Curb <br /> cuts on any one street must be at least 30 feet apart, unless curb cuts are to be used for one <br /> way traffic only and dearly designated as such. No C or LI use may have a curb cut within <br /> .30 feet of any residential district boundary, unless it is located across a street from the <br /> residential district boundary. <br /> 1650.07 Off-Street Loading Docks. All loading docks must be off-street and must be <br /> attached to the building to be served. A loading dock may not be located closer than 25 <br /> feet to a street intersection, or 50 feet to a residential district, unless the loading dock is <br /> totally within a building. Loading docks may not be located within the required front yard <br /> setback space. Loading docks must be located in a manner which will least interfere with <br /> traffic. No portion of any truck trailers using a loading dock may'project into.a public <br /> street. All loading docks and accessways must be paved with concrete or bituminous <br /> surfacing. <br /> 1650.08 Landscaping. <br /> Subd. 1. Existing Trees and Vegetation. Existing healthy trees and native <br /> vegetation on a site are to be preserved to the maximum extent feasible during site <br /> development. <br /> Subd. 2. Landscaping Plan. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the <br /> development of property in any district, the owner must submit to the�City for <br /> approval a landscaping plan showing: <br /> (a) Placement and height of plantings and decorative features such as <br /> fences, walls, berms and other landscaping features. <br /> (b) Species, quantity and diameter of trees, grasses and shrubs. <br /> (c) Areas to be left in their natural state and areas to be seeded or sodded. <br /> (d) Dimension, descriptions and other pertinent data identifying proposed <br /> special landscaping effects such as ponds, rock gardens, fountains and <br /> other similar items. <br /> (e) When requested by the Council, a grade and contour plan showing <br /> elevations at two foot intervals, or less where necessary, to identify <br /> 16-36 <br />
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