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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 15 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Minneapolis Fire Chief Forte introduced the staff that accompanied him this evening. He indicated that <br /> 2 he was'present to share a concept that has the City of Minneapolis providing fire protection for the City <br /> 3 of St. Anthony. <br /> 4 Fire Chief Forte explained that the City of Minneapolis is faced with budget cuts and it was felt that <br /> 5 having the Minneapolis Fire Department service to St. Anthony could be of benefit to both <br /> 6 communities. <br /> 7 Fire Chief Forte continued that the concept suggested that Minneapolis provide the service out of <br /> 8 Station 15, which is approximately one and a half minutes from St. Anthony's city limits. He added that <br /> 9 there has been talk about closing Station 15 due to low number of calls. <br /> 10 Fire Chief Forte indicated that the cost to the city would be $400,000 annually for three years and <br /> 11 could possibly add another two years for a total of five years for$400,000 per year. For future years, <br /> 12 increases would be based on salary and benefit adjustments from the union contracts. <br /> 13 Fire Chief Forte stated that if the City of Minneapolis were to provide fire services for the City of St. <br /> 14 Anthony, it would save the City of St. Anthony about $150,000-$200,000 per year. He continued <br /> 15 that the City of St. Anthony would also be able to decide what with the fire equipment and fire <br /> 16 station. <br /> 17 Fire Chief Forte indicated that the City of Minneapolis Fire Department has one of the best response <br /> 18 times in the country, averaging three and a half minutes. He estimated that the average response time <br /> 19 for the City of St. Anthony, under the service of Minneapolis, would be a four to eight minute response <br /> 20 time. <br /> 21 Fire Chief Forte added that the City of Minneapolis could provide the City of St. Anthony with more <br /> 22 resources. He exemplified this by detailing the number of firefighters that arrive at the scene of the <br /> 23 various fire alarms. <br /> 24 Fire Chief Forte stated that the City of St. Anthony and Northeast Minneapolis have the worst <br /> 25 ambulance response time in the County. He added that if they combined services he would look at re- <br /> 26 constructing Station 15, and add an ambulance bay. <br /> 27 Councilmember Horst asked if St. Anthony would be the first to combine forces like this. Chief <br /> 28 indicated that they would be the first. <br /> 29 Councilmember Horst asked if the concept presented this evening would be a benefit to them, or simply <br /> 30 a loss of their services. Fire Chief Forte indicated he felt the only negative was that they would lose one <br /> 31 minute on response time, but the rest of the concept was to their advantage. <br /> 32 Fire Chief Forte reiterated that he had a great deal of respect for the firefighters of the City of St. <br /> 33 Anthony. <br />