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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 20, 2004 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gray agreed that the proposed location would provide better visibility. He stated <br /> 2 that he cannot see where there would be a safety concern at this intersection and reviewed with <br /> 3 the Commission. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Chair Stromgren noted that he did changed his position after seeing the advantage to pulling the <br /> 6 sign back from the street. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Vice Chair Hanson stated that it would be safer if people were stopped at the intersection while <br /> 9 reading the messages displayed on the sign. He reviewed the proposed location with the <br /> 10 Commission noting that they have chosen the best spot. He stated that the purpose of the sign is <br /> 11 to let the public know what is going on, not that they are in St. Anthony Village. He suggested <br /> 12 placing an emblem at the bottom of the sign for the City logo and keeps the text message to the <br /> 13 top of the sign. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Chris Clark agreed noting that Vice Chair Hanson's suggestion for placement of the emblem is a <br /> 16 very viable alternative. He stated that they could downscale the sign and still be well within the <br /> 17 parameters. He noted that there are several ways to work the design noting that they want to keep <br /> 18 the sign proportionally correct and readable. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Commissioner Gray asked Mr. Clark if he is aware of any studies that were done for the signs at <br /> 21 busy intersections. Mr. Clark agreed that safety is a key issue noting that he has never heard of <br /> 22 anyone dying from reading a sign. He stated that several other Cities have the same type of <br /> 23 signage and have not had any issues. He stated that the sign could present potential safety issues <br /> 24 adding that he does not see it happening. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Commissioner Hoska stated that he did consider the safety issues noting that if people blow a <br /> 27 traffic sign that this is a police issue. He agreed that people are getting more blatant about <br /> 28 running red lights adding that this is a matter for the police. He stated that he does not see the <br /> 29 location as a problem adding that he initially thought that the hill location by the park would be <br /> 30 the best location. He noted that after reviewing the input received he agrees with the current <br /> 31 proposed location. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Mr. Clark provided the Commission with examples of various signs for their review and <br /> 34 consideration. He stated that his main concern was doing a lot of copy/characters and be able to <br /> 35 make it more readable from the street. He confirmed that it would provide more text space with a <br /> 36 smaller logo noting that he would go back to drawing board. He assured the Commission that he <br /> 37 would remain within the requirements of the ordinance. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Motion by Commissioner Gray, seconded by Commissioner Jenson, to recommend that the <br /> 40 electronic sign variance requests be approved as proposed. <br /> 41 Motion carried unanimously <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Commissioner Young asked how they go about determining if five minutes per message is the <br /> 44 appropriate length. Chair Stromgren asked how long the red light is for each way. Ms. Hall <br /> 45 reviewed the conditions identified with respect to message changes noting that they could clarify <br />
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