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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 20, 2004 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 He stated that given the expanse of the property at 136 acres, they have a tremendous amount of <br /> 2 exposure. He reviewed the main entrance currently off St. Anthony Boulevard noting that by <br /> 3 locating the sign along New Brighton Boulevard would provide them with a higher level of <br /> 4 exposure because of the increased traffic. He explained that the hardship comes to the families <br /> 5 who are attending the funeral and memorial services and have difficulty finding the entrance. He <br /> 6 further explained that the cemetery office receives daily contacts for directions to the cemetery, <br /> 7' which initiated their request for the additional sign. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Florence Iverson, 2812 Highway 88/New Brighton Boulevard, expressed concerns noting that the <br /> 10 sign would be very visible from her front window. She stated that the current gate is a disgrace <br /> 11 noting that the cemetery itself is quite lovely. She asked how the sign would direct people to the <br /> 12 front gate noting that the current sign is not maintained on a regular basis. She stated that paper is <br /> 13 piled up against the gate and is very visible. She stated that the cemetery is beautifully <br /> 14 maintained adding that she can see the beautiful cross, the mausoleum and the center landscaping. <br /> 15 She stated that anyone attending a funeral knows how to find the main gate and suggested <br /> 16 including directions to the cemetery in the obituary announcement. She stated that she is very <br /> 17 against the sign and the visibility. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Mr. Hilgendorf stated that years ago there was an entrance to the cemetery at the New Brighton <br /> 20 Boulevard/St.Anthony Boulevard intersection. He explained that due to traffic issues they were <br /> 21 required to close the gates at this location and reroute the entrance to the cemetery to its' current <br /> 22 location. He further explained that the signage is intended to direct those who are using.their <br /> 23 services to the front gate. He stated that the monument would serve to announce the property and <br /> 24 direct people to the entrance of the cemetery. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Chair Stromgren asked if they investigated the use of the southeast corner or the south side of St. <br /> 27 Anthony Boulevard where it would be further away from residents' view. Mr. Hilgendorf stated <br /> 28 that they have not researched that area and agreed that it could be an option and compromise as <br /> 29 the sign would still be visible from both directions. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Commissioner Jenson stated that their business is located along Highway 88, on both sides of St. <br /> 32 Anthony Boulevard, adjacent to Hillside. He noted that Hillside's sign is south of Highway 88 <br /> 33 yet there is no sign along that area that would help to differentiate Hillside from Sunset Memorial. <br /> 34 He agreed that their business does have a need to identify along that thoroughfare. He asked if <br /> 35 they considered other locations or if this was the only location they considered. Mr. Hilgendorf <br /> 36 explained that if they had the sign located at the other end of property, people would not see the <br /> 37 sign until they were past the St. Anthony Boulevard turn. He stated that the sign could be located <br /> 38 at either corner as proposed or at the alternate suggestion to the south. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Chair Stromgren closed_ the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Vice Chair Hanson noted Chair Stromgren suggested compromise to locate the sign further from <br /> 43 the residential area and bring it closer to the commercial area and asked if the sign could be set <br /> 44 outside the fence. He suggested reviewing the height criteria adding that he would like the <br /> 45. applicant to come back some suggestions for that location for further review by the Planning <br /> 46 Commission. <br />
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