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PL PACKET 04182000
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PL PACKET 04182000
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PL PACKET 04182000
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> March 13, 2000 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Hennepin Parks' mission is to promote environmental stewardship through recreation and <br /> 2 education in a natural resource-based park system. <br /> 3 The regional trail network in Hennepin and Scott Counties (excluding potential new trails to be <br /> 4 discussed)will total over 145 miles when completed. <br /> 5 Mr. Miller stated that he was present to show a plan that would identify and capitalize on poten- <br /> 6 tial opportunities for new regional trail, greenway, and park facilities within the First Tier of <br /> 7 communities in Minneapolis in Hennepin County. He proceeded to present an illustration that <br /> 8 identified the First Tier of communities. <br /> 9 Mr. Miller directed the Commission's attention to a booklet that had been distributed for infor- <br /> 10 mation and reviewed portions of the booklet with the Commission. <br /> 11 In summary, Mr. Miller stated that project goals have been formulated to guide the project and <br /> 12 provide evaluation criteria for individual corridors. A few of the goals are: <br /> 13 1. The project is regional in nature, with a main goal of providing connections between <br /> 14 existing and future regional and local facilities. <br /> 15 2. Any potential new facilities identified will complement existing local park, trail, and • <br /> 16 sidewalk facilities. <br /> 17 3. Hennepin Parks intends to use this planning process to identify opportunities for regional <br /> 18 facilities, especially regional trail connections, in the First Tier communities. <br /> 19 Jindra inquired if Hennepin Parks would look to individual cities for funding. Mr. Miller re- <br /> 20 sponded that the bulk of the responsibility for funding would fall to Hennepin Parks. <br /> 21 Jindra asked for an estimated time line as far as the trail system for St. Anthony was concerned. <br /> 22 Mr. Miller responded that a ballpark estimate would be around 2002 or 2003. The time line de- <br /> 23 pended on federal funding. <br /> 24 Andra thanked Mr. Miller for his presentation. <br /> 25 V. DISCUSS CENTRAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT. <br /> 26 Jindra reviewed for the Commission that a site survey is being conducted and it is hoped that the <br /> 27 survey will be completed and ready for the next Parks Commission meeting. In addition, Augie <br /> 28 Wong is anticipated to be present at the next meeting. <br /> 29 Jindra requested that the Commission discuss items that could be accomplished this spring with <br /> 30 regard to Central Park. In particular, Jindra suggested discussing a potential skateboarding area. • <br /> 31 She reminded the Commission that some skateboarding residents had approached the <br />
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