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CC PACKET 06111984
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CC PACKET 06111984
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12/30/2015 3:57:17 PM
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12/30/2015 3:57:02 PM
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CC PACKET 06111984
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- 4 - <br /> 4. Platting. the property would be expensive and cumbersome. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. McGinn was present but did not speak, as was the case with Mike Pribula and <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, whose proposals were acted on next by the Council. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Enrooth to accept the ` <br /> recommendations of the Planning Commission -that a one foot sideyard setback <br /> variance be granted to Mike Pribula, 3570. Buchanan Street N.E. , which would allow <br /> him to construct the single family dwelling he proposes on the 50 foot wide by <br /> 125 foot long vacant lot at 3231 Roosevelt Street N.E. , finding as did the <br /> Planning Commission, that: <br /> 1. The proponent had developed a proposal which would conform to the wishes of <br /> his neighbor to the south related to the placement of his garage. <br /> 2. There was no opposition from other adjoining property owners. <br /> 3. Several lots and homes of the same size have been developed on that street. <br /> 4. The unique characteristics of the subject lot, with the extended shape and <br /> no street address, would appear to constitute a hardship for the applicant to <br /> construct his home according to the Ordinance requirements. <br /> i <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Councilman Marks and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to accept the <br /> • recommendation of the Planning Commission that a two foot sideyard setback <br /> variance to the City Zoning Ordinance requirement for corner lots be granted <br /> to Edwin and Alyce Brown which would allow them to reconstruct their single <br /> family dwelling at 2702 33rd Avenue N.E. , to within 12.2 feet of their property <br /> line on Belden Drive finding, as did the Planning Commission, that: <br /> 1. The existing- lot and building preceded the 1973 Zoning Ordinance and the <br /> construction of Belden Drive. <br /> h <br /> 2. Many of the homes and lots in the same block are as small as the Browns' . <br /> The applicants would suffer a hardship if they are forced to replace the steep <br /> entryway on their existing home. 0 <br /> 4. There was no demonstration of opposition to the request from the neighbors. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Reverand Joseph A. Valtinson, Jr. , Pastor of Elmwood Lutheran Church, told the <br /> Council the mobile home he is. asking permission to install on the north end of <br /> the church property would be larger than that which the Planning Commission had E� <br /> approved, since the church had, since the June 19 meeting, been given a 14 foot : <br /> by 6S foot, eight year old trailer, which could be used as a temporary classroom A <br /> while the church is raising the necessary funds for a sanctuary/classroom addition. <br /> The minister said he had proposed the structure, which is white, be <br /> earth tones to match the church exterior. Mayor Sundland told him the Council is <br /> very pleased to see the lines .of-communication have been opened between <br /> officials and the neighbors who have indicated they are now in-favor. of the.,church's <br /> plans for an addition, and temporary, classrooms; in the interim. <br />
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