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CC PACKET 06111984
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CC PACKET 06111984
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CC PACKET 06111984
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- 6 - <br /> years to service and-to-provide for electrical usage. Mr. Hamer asked Mr. Ryan if <br /> the City were able to get- MSA funds to upgrade the deteriorating boulevard in front <br /> of the golf course, could the City expect to have as much trouble getting right of <br /> way for the project from the Park Board. as they had when the bridge was rebuilt <br /> and the City was forced .to swing.the bridge approach over to the cemetary side <br /> because such variances were refused. The Public Works Director indicated that <br /> alignment could not be continued with the new road because the roadway would have <br /> to be aligned with the catch basins on the golf course side. He also mentioned <br /> the possibility that- all the trees on that side might have to be removed. Mr. <br /> Hamer added that the City has no taxpayers in that area to .bear the cost of the <br /> road improvement, which has to be done in the near future, since all the curbs, <br /> catchbasins, and the roadway itself are falling apart. <br /> When Mr. Hamer asked whether the Park Board would have a problem if parking on <br /> both sides of the boulevard were restricted, Mr. Ryan indicated they had more or <br /> .less committed to the Planning Commission that their parking areas would be <br /> expanded to the north to the extent that on-street parking would not be necessary <br /> for a majority of '_ thetime. The engineer also said he perceived the golfers could <br /> park on the grassy areas, if absolutely necessary. Mr. Ryan responded that he did <br /> not know how the Park .Board would react to a 36 foot ,Tide road which necessitates <br /> the removal of. trees, since in Minneapolis a public hearing is necessary whenever <br /> four trees have to be removed for a project and he knows the state and county are <br /> also very adamant about tree removal. <br /> In response to the question whether the Park Board would be willing to participate <br /> in the costs for a smaller roadway, the engineer said the Board had discussed that <br /> possibility many times and had always concluded there was. just no money for the <br /> project. He then reiterated all the cases where the Park Board owns roadways in <br /> other communities who don't pay a cent towards the maintenance of the roadway or <br /> where other communities own the roads next to the park property where the Board <br /> doesn't pay anything either. <br /> The engineering director then indicated he had researched the background of the <br /> City's acquisition of St. Anthony Boulevard and had concluded the agreement had <br /> been that "St. Anthony could have the road as long as they didn't permit truck <br /> traffic..on._it'.'_,_and-if that happened, Mr. Ryan said he believed, "You have to give 4' <br /> the rotten road back. to us." <br /> C <br /> This statement prompted applause from the Council members. E <br /> 5 <br /> When Councilman Ranallo asked why, if the Park Board could afford to build a <br /> million dollar clubhouse on the boulevard they could not afford to participate <br /> in the rebuilding of the roadway which serviced that facility, Mr. Ryan told him <br /> all the golf courses owned by the Park Board have paid for themselves through <br /> golfing fees. <br /> 4. <br /> Councilman Enrooth told the Park Board representatives he believes St. Anthony <br /> Boulevard is a unique situation ,which deserves to be handled in a creative. manner. <br /> Councilman Marks told them, "The City is getting a lot of-heat from its residents <br /> because of, the condition of the boulevard." The Mayor indicated the roadway might <br /> not have to be 36 feet wide and the consensus was that more discussion of the <br /> matter would be necessary. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to table action on G <br /> the Park Board request for water and sewer connection to Roseville and Minneapolis <br /> and to direct the City Manager and Mayor,.to:.negotiate some of the Council and . <br /> J <br /> f <br />
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