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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 26, 1997 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 Sue Kozarek, 4029 Shamrock, stated she had reached FEMA today.via the following number: <br /> 2 1-800-462-9029. She stated residents can apply for SBA low interest loans and disaster home <br /> 3 grants. She has applied for both. The application process is ten minutes and then a packet <br /> 4 will be sent to applicants and received within seven to ten days. <br /> 5 Mayor Ranallo reported that John VanHecke, Representative Vento's office, has stated that <br /> 6 there may be a shortcut to obtaining funds for homes that contain damage on the first floor <br /> 7 and above. These people may receive assistance in the form-of outright funds. The <br /> 8 legislature has stated that the most money in the State of Minnesota will be given to the Fire <br /> 9 and Police Stations of East Grand Forks and that nothing will be given for damage to "non- <br /> 10 livable areas". <br /> 11 Ms. Kozarek stated she had also contacted Representative Marty's Office to obtain <br /> 12 information as to what was included in the recently passed Bill. <br /> 13 Mayor Ranallo stated that all the funds in the Bill will be given to East Grand Forks. The <br /> 14 House of Representatives did come back and put some funds in for the metropolitan area but <br /> 15 the City still has no information on that. <br /> 16 Ms. Kozarek stated that when the Flood Task Force was originally formed in July the City <br /> Council asked for volunteers. One resident who did not volunteer but did speak to the <br /> 8 Council at their last meeting is Dennis Cavanaugh. She stated that at that meeting, the Mayor <br /> 19 verbally invited Mr. Cavanaugh to be a member of the Task Force. She stated that she would <br /> 20 like to formally request that Mr. Cavanaugh be allowed to volunteer to be a member of the <br /> 21 Task Force. She reported that 10 of the 12 members of the Task Force had gotten together <br /> 22 this past week and feel that they want him to join as he has valuable information and access <br /> 23 to legal information that other members do not have. <br /> 24 Mayor Ranallo corrected Ms. Kozarek that he had not verbally invited Mr. Cavanaugh to be a <br /> 25 member of the Task Force but had questioned why he was not a member. He asked who had <br /> 26 convened the recent meeting of the Task Force. <br /> 27 Ms. Kozarek stated it was not a real meeting. They had only gotten together to discuss their <br /> 28 frustrations with the first meeting of the Task Force. The members felt they were not able to <br /> 29 have any input. <br /> 30 Councilmembers Enrooth and Faust noted they and Acting City Manager Moore-Sykes were <br /> 31 not invited to the meeting of the Task Force which was held last week. <br /> 32 Ms. Kozarek stated this meeting was the citizens getting together. It was not a formal <br /> 33 meeting. <br /> Mayor Ranallo stated that this is a City appointed Task Force and all meetings where there is <br /> 5 a quorum have to be announced and open to the public. He stated that the results of the <br /> 36 meeting that he has heard lead him to believe that it was a formal meeting. <br />