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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 26, 1997 <br /> Page 8 • <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Ms. Kozarek stated that the citizens wanted to make sure that they had the information for the <br /> 3 engineer because they did not feel like they were able to have any input. They want the <br /> 4 information to be brought forward and the meeting not to be bogged down. <br /> 5 Mayor Ranallo stated that the Task Force is in control of the meeting. <br /> 6 Ms. Kozarek stated that the citizens had requested to meet more often than once per month. <br /> 7 Moore-Sykes stated that the facilitator had stated that this was not possible because the <br /> 8 necessary information would not be available earlier than one month. She also stated the <br /> 9 Open Meeting Law may be applicable in this situation and the City Attorney is looking into <br /> 10 the situation. As the Task Force was appointed by the City Council, the members may have <br /> 11 liability under the Law. <br /> 12 John Kuharski, 2709 Pahl Avenue NE, stated this was an informal meeting and no votes were <br /> 13 taken. The Task Force would like to meet more often and felt that they were pushed off by <br /> 14 City Staff and Councilmembers. Mr. Kuharski complained that at the first meeting of the <br /> 15 Task Force no minutes were taken and the input of the citizens was not even recorded by the <br /> 16 facilitator. The facilitator controlled the whole meeting. <br /> 17 Enrooth asked why the Task Force members had not brought their concerns to the attention of • <br /> 18 City Manager or Management Assistant. <br /> 19 Mr. Kuharski stated he had raised his concerns at the first Task Force meeting. <br /> 20 Bob Lohmar, 2512 St. Anthony Road, stated he felt the City Council was getting irritated <br /> 21 because they had asked the Task Force to do something and now members were asking for <br /> 22 feedback. He stated he had requested information from Management Assistant the day after <br /> 23 he applied for the Task Force and he still has not received it. He stated the Task Force <br /> 24 should have all the information available so that they can do the job they are supposed to. <br /> 25 Mayor Ranallo stated he was not aware that Mr. Lohmar had not received the information he <br /> 26 had requested. <br /> 27 Mr. Kuharski questioned how members of the Task Force could have liability if their legal <br /> 28 duties were not explained to them. He noted that six or seven members of the Task Force <br /> 29 were present at another meeting in regard to the flooding. He felt that volunteers should be <br /> 30 able to speak to anyone interested. He stated he did not sign anything accepting any liability. <br /> 31 He noted the facilitator had mentioned a mission statement at the first Task Force meeting but <br /> 32 then it was dropped and never talked of again. <br /> 33 Mayor Ranallo stated his concern that the first Task Force meeting did not go the way the • <br /> 34 members wanted it to and the Council was not made aware of it until now. He noted that the <br /> 35 Planning Commission is a volunteer Commission and they are required to post their meetings. <br />