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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1 Lucille Calguire, 3436 Silver Lane, stated that she casts her vote vigorously and excitedly for this <br /> 2 project. She questioned the people who are opposed to the project as to what they do want to do <br /> 3 with Apache if this project doesn't go through. St. Anthony is a neighbor to the City of <br /> 4 Roseville, which allots more land to parks than any other City in the State of Minnesota. This is <br /> 5 possible because they have a lot of retailers who pay their taxes for them. We don't have that in <br /> 6 St. Anthony. We in St. Anthony spend money just like everybody else, we want to spend our <br /> 7 money here. <br /> 8 Ted Holsten, 3213 Townview Ave.N.E., a 27 year resident of St. Anthony, sees an opportunity <br /> 9 to enhance and vitalize the community surrounding Apache and at the same time greatly reduce <br /> 10 the impact on water quality of the run-off from the present situation. This seems to him to be a <br /> 11 win-win situation. <br /> 12 Ken Johnson, owner of Hardee's restaurant for 24 years, stated that when he first came here, <br /> 13 Apache was in it's "hey-day". He has seen it just go down and crash. He employs approximately <br /> 14 50-60 teenagers. He wants to see the project go and thinks it is super for the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 15 Paul Haik, 701 4th Avenue South#500, questioned Dennis Cavanaugh regarding the receivership <br /> 16 with Apache Plaza. <br /> 17 Mr. Cavanaugh explained that he had an agreement with the bank to have a signed purchase <br /> 18 agreement with CUB Foods by March 31, 1994. That did not occur. As a result,the bank had <br /> 19 several options. At this point in time,the bank has elected to appoint a receiver. This simply <br /> 20 means that all the money goes through a receivership. C. G. Rein is still directly involved in all <br /> 21 negotiations with CUB and Knox. <br /> 22 Blake Szurek, 3408 Roosevelt Street N.E., stated that he agrees wholeheartedly with most of the <br /> 23 comments he has heard. He feels there is a lot of energy behind this proposal and would like to <br /> 24 see that energy be extended into other areas around Apache such as the New Market, which will <br /> 25 be closing and the SAV Liquor store building. He wondered if there are community uses that <br /> 26 this set of buildings could be used for or will they be used commercially. He stated he would <br /> 27 like to see decisions made quickly as to what we can do with the other properties. <br /> 28 Mr. Cavanaugh responded that he is exploring all options. The building is situated behind the <br /> 29 CUB building and is not highly visible, so C. G. Rein is exploring options other than retail use at <br /> 30 this time. <br /> 31 John Madden, 3701 Foss Road, stated that he is in favor of the project for several reasons. He <br /> 32 was a member of the Economic Redevelopment Task Force that was formed in the Fall of 1993 <br /> 33 by the City Council, in response to the concerns that property values either had declined or <br /> 34 would decline in the future unless the community became actively involved in development or i <br /> 35 redevelopment of under-utilized property within the City. After 9 months of study, the <br /> 36 committee's number one priority was Apache Plaza. St. Anthony's commercial tax base is <br />
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