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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> • Page 15 <br /> 1 deteriorating. The Apache Medical Center Building was carried on the tax books at $1,300,000. <br /> 2 It sold a year ago for$750,000. The difference in that tax base goes to the residents. Apache <br /> 3 Plaza has had their valuation reduced a couple of times and the residential people have to make <br /> 4 that up also. This project is expected to provide 400 jobs in the 2 stores with approximately half <br /> 5 of those jobs available for high school and college students. It will improve some of the <br /> 6 environmental concerns, such as the storm water flowing into Silver Lake. Without this project, <br /> 7 there may be no holding ponds. He believes that any delay in recommending passage of the <br /> 8 request before the Planning Commission tonight, will seriously jeopardize the project. He hopes <br /> 9 that the Planning Commission will send a strong message to the City Council by unanimously <br /> 10 endorsing this proposal tonight. , <br /> 11 Joe Welle, Representative of the St. Anthony Chamber of Commerce, reported that the Board of <br /> 12 Directors voted unanimously to support the CUB/Knox project. He reported that the Chamber <br /> 13 feels that there are numerous benefits resulting from the project. The project will bring in new <br /> 14 jobs,increase home values, and bring in some excellent new business citizens. The Chamber is <br /> 15 looking forward to having them involved in the Chamber of Commerce and the community. The <br /> 16 Chamber feels the project will bring excellent shopping in a close proximity and looks forward to <br /> 17 working with CUB and Knox. <br /> Clark Tomason, owner of Apache Watch and Jewelry, thanked C. G. Rein for keeping retail in <br /> OP9 Apache Plaza. He stated that if this project does not go through all that will be left at Apache is <br /> 20 Herbergers and the bar. He stated that it is hard to make it as a retailer in the mall now. He <br /> 21 hopes the people in St. Antony realize what potential they have for the future and keep what they <br /> 22 have now. <br /> 23 Diane Schroeder, 3900 Chandler Drive, asked if there were plans to install accessible doors in the <br /> 24 new stores and also if the bowling alley or the restrooms would be made handicap accessible. <br /> 25 She also inquired as to the entrance into the parking lot on 39th Avenue. She wondered if there <br /> 26 could be a provision for sidewalk placement at this entrance as there is a lot of pedestrian traffic <br /> 27 in this area and especially now that the traffic will be increasing. <br /> 28 Mr. Cavanaugh stated that there are no current plans for a sidewalk in this area but that it was <br /> 29 something that could be looked into. <br /> 30 Donna Gorski, St. Anthony resident, commented that she and her husband are in favor of the <br /> 31 project. She realizes that lumber and groceries come in on trucks and was wondering what the <br /> 32 increase in traffic would be and what routes the trucks would be taking. She asked what affect <br /> 33 this will have on the roads and if there are plans to widen the roads. She pointed out that there is <br /> 34 a school and a nursing home located in the immediate area on 37th Avenue. She also inquired if <br /> 35 there would be a new stoplight installed at the Silver Lake Road access point. <br /> 0 Mr.Narlock responded that CUB Foods receives deliveries 24 hours per day. There is a lot of <br /> 37 volume that goes through this type of store, so there will in fact, be truck traffic 24 hours per day. <br />
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