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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 16 <br /> 1 He stated that there is adequate access onto the site. The main route used for the trucks will most <br /> 2 likely be 35W to Cty. Rd. D. He stated that he was not aware of any proposed new stoplights in <br /> 3 the area. <br /> 4 An unidentified resident added that County Road D and Silver Lake Road are both county roads <br /> 5 and they are designed to handle the heavier loads brought in by semi-trucks and the increased <br /> 6 traffic. <br /> 7 An unidentified resident reiterated that the traffic site at 39th Avenue is difficult. When people <br /> 8 are getting off the bus between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., it is very congested. He stated that <br /> 9 traffic on the north end of Apache Mall is only able to exit to go southbound. He asked if there <br /> 10 were plans to reconstruct this exit. <br /> 11 Mr. Cavanaugh responded that there are five points of ingress and egress at Apache Plaza. He <br /> 12 stated that if, after the project is completed there are problems, there will be modifications made <br /> 13 to the roadway system. <br /> 14 Mr. Anderson, Wendhurst Avenue, commented that he is very excited about CUB and Knox <br /> 15 coming in to the mall. He asked when the project will be starting and when completion is to be <br /> 16 expected. <br /> 17 Mr. Narlock responded that they intend to start the CUB project in the Spring of 1995 and be <br /> 18 completed in the Fall of 1995. <br /> 19 Mr. Hehr responded that they also hope to start construction of the Knox store in the Spring of <br /> 20 1995 and be opened for business in the Fall of 1995. <br /> 21 Bill'Carr, St. Anthony resident, stated that at the Homeowners Association meeting,the group <br /> 22 voted unanimously to support the project. Their fear is that if the project isn't approved, Apache <br /> 23 Plaza will go "down the tube". However,they feel that their lake is also going "down the tube". <br /> 24 They feel that this is their one last chance to save the lake. The way the plans are now, they do <br /> 25 not meet anybody's specifications for good water management purposes. He stated he is firmly <br /> 26 convinced that a compromise can be reached. The Village has been working on behalf of Silver <br /> 27 Lake for several years and helped them when they dealt with Wexford Heights. A really good <br /> 28 solution was reached there primarily because the Salvation Army Camp which owned the land, <br /> 29 had the lake utmost in it's mind also. They feel they have to get C. G. Rein and the Village to <br /> 30 think of the lake as a"treasure" also and do the best that they can. He reported this is what they <br /> 31 are working for. They would like a compromise that will keep Apache a viable force in the <br /> 32 community and yet make the best possible solution for the water run-off into the lake. <br /> 33 Dave Greenwood, Co-owner of Auto-Trac, stated that they are in favor of the project. It will <br /> 34 produce more traffic and give their business a higher profile. He stated that he lives in South <br /> 35 Minneapolis, near Minnehaha Mall, which was in the same situation as Apache. They opened up <br />
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