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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 17 <br /> 1 a CUB Foods in the mall and very shortly after, the mall began getting bigger and business has <br /> 2 come back. He advised that the Minnehaha Mall utilizes a City bus which re-routes through the <br /> 3 parking lot and drops people off at the store. This bypasses any traffic problems of people trying <br /> 4 to run across the street. <br /> 5 Chair Gondorchin closed the public hearing at 8:39 P.M. <br /> 6 Motion by Commissioner Makowske, second by Thompson to recommend Council approval of <br /> 7 the lot split as presented by Mr. Dennis Cavanaugh, C. G. Rein Co., into four sections as follows: <br /> 8 the first lot for SuperValu/CUB consisting of approximately.390,000 square feet, the second lot <br /> 9 for Knox/Payless Cashway Lumber Store consisting of approximately.445,000 square feet, the <br /> 10 third lot would be what is left of the mall consisting of approximately 943,000 square feet, and <br /> 11 the fourth lot would be for First Bank and consisting of approximately 55,000 square feet, <br /> 12 contingent on a title review by the City Attorney, as well as any easements that may be-necessary <br /> 13 for the platting process which will be taken care of with the City Council. <br /> 14 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 15 Motion by Commissioner Bergstrom, second by Commissioner Makowske to recommend <br /> Council approval of the setback variances for the CUB redevelopment, specifically the 15 foot <br /> setback variance on the north end of the CUB property. The hardships were found for the <br /> 18 following reasons: 1. With the 60 foot Uniform Building Code normal separation, the property <br /> 19 cannot be put to reasonable use without this variance. 2. The circumstances are not created by <br /> 20 the owner of the property. 3. This will not alter the essential character of the locality. 4. <br /> 21 Economic considerations alone are not the basis of the hardship. Also this variance will improve <br /> 22 the traffic flow as traffic will go around the buildings rather than in between the buildings. <br /> 23 Motion carried unanimously.. <br /> 24 Motion by Commissioner Bergstrom, second by Commissioner Makowske to recommend <br /> 25 Council approval of the setback variances for the Knox redevelopment, specifically the 15 foot <br /> 26 setback variance on the South portion of the Knox property. The hardships were found for the <br /> 27 following reasons: 1. With the 60 foot Uniform Building Code normal separation, the property <br /> 28 cannot be put to reasonable use without this variance. 2. The circumstances are not created by <br /> 29 the owner of the property. 3. This will not alter the essential character of the locality. 4. <br /> 30 Economic considerations alone are not the basis of the hardship. Also, this variance will <br /> 31 improve traffic flow, as traffic will go around the buildings rather than in between the buildings. <br /> 32 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bergstrom, second by Commissioner Thompson to recommend <br /> Council approval of the conditional use permit for Knox Lumber conditioned that all lumber <br />
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