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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 18 • <br /> 1 products will be under roofs, the 15 foot block wall with screening be provided, and there will be <br /> 2 lighting on the outside of the structures directed downward. <br /> 3 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 4 Chair Gondorchin urged the petitioners to attend the City Council meeting on November 22, <br /> 5 1994, for final commitment of their lot split, variance and conditional use permit requests. <br /> 6 Chair Gondorchin closed this portion of the meeting at 8:49 P.M. <br /> 7 VI. ITEMS RELATING TO APACHE REDEVELOPMENT. <br /> 8 A. Review Comprehensive Sign Package for CUB Foods and Knox Lumber. <br /> 9 City Manager Morrison reported that due to the fact that this is a shopping center, C. G. Rein, <br /> 10 CUB Foods and Knox have submitted a sign package under the comprehensive sign package <br /> 11 ordinance provisions. By submitting a comprehensive sign package, exceptions to the <br /> 12 regulations of the sign ordinances may be permitted. The purpose of handling it this way is to <br /> 13 recognize that because of the size of the mall, and the two new stores, the size of the signs will be <br /> 14 larger than allowed by ordinance. This gives the Planning Commission and the City Council the <br /> 15 ability to make exceptions to the sign ordinance and offer some flexibility. <br /> 16 Mr. Cavanaugh reported that Apache Plaza and the Apache Plaza pylon sign were both built in <br /> 17 1961. Since 2 new stores are moving into the mall, it is time to update the pylon sign. He <br /> 18 presented an exhibit of the proposed pylon sign. The proposed sign will be 414 square feet per <br /> 19 side and 42 feet tall. The existing pylon sign is 440 square feet per side and 40 foot tall. In <br /> 20 addition to that, CUB will have a ground sign which will be 15 feet high and 9 foot by 12 foot <br /> 21 per side. Herbergers is located in the rear of the building and due to this,they have requested <br /> 22 that they have a sign on the north end of the center. The sign they are requesting is a ground sign <br /> 23 which would be 8 feet high with a 4 foot by 8 foot sign face. The new pylon sign would be in <br /> 24 the current pylon sign location. The CUB Foods ground sign is just off the south entrance to <br /> 25 Apache Plaza. At some point in time, there is a small site that C. G. Rein intends to develop that <br /> 26 would typically be used as a fast-food restaurant. Typically, uses like this prefer a ground sign, <br /> 27 so at this point in time, C. G. Rein is requesting approval of a ground sign that is approximately 8 <br /> 28 foot tall and has a sign face of 4 foot by 8 foot. This is the overall signage plan for perimeter <br /> 29 signs. <br /> 30 Narlock explained that CUB Foods is proposing signage in three basic areas. The first is the <br /> 31 ground sign near the right-of-way of Silver Lake Road on the south entrance to the store. This <br /> 32 sign is to encourage people to use that entrance when they do shop at CUB. The other signage <br /> 33 would be located along the front of the store. The square footage of these signs is as follows: <br /> 34 The first sign, the main sign, located at the entrance of the store is 266 square feet. There is also <br /> 35 a 24-Hour Savings sign that CUB would like to have (on the opposite side of that canopy) that is <br /> 36 145 square feet. The Pharmacy sign is 100 square feet. On the backside of the building, CUB <br />
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