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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 19 <br /> 1 would like to have a sign included in the comprehensive sign package. This sign is to encourage <br /> 2 traffic that is coming from 39th Avenue and to let them know that CUB Foods is located here. <br /> 3 They could then use the drive that is located along the south end of the CUB lot. The square <br /> 4 footage on that sign is 230 square feet. As far as any other signage,there would be one along the <br /> 5 driveway, the two locations on the building, the front and back,and one also on the pylon sign <br /> 6 that Mr. Cavanaugh presented. <br /> 7 Chair Gondorchin inquired as to how many pylon signs were to be included in this package. <br /> 8 Mr.Narlock responded that there will only be one pylon sign that will be located where the <br /> 9 existing pylon sign stands. CUB would also propose one ground sign in the right-of-way, right <br /> 10 in front of the Tires Plus Store. <br /> 11 Mr. Hehr explained that the only signage that Knox would request would be on the front of the <br /> 12 building, which would show the Knox logo on the south end of the building which is <br /> 13 approximately 368 square feet in size. Above the drive-through area into the lumber yard, Knox <br /> 14 is proposing a sign that is approximately 120 square feet. The only other signs that are visible <br /> 15 would be on the inside of the product area, not visible from the street, which are mainly <br /> 16 directional type signs. He stated that Knox is asking for approval of the pylon sign. <br /> q7 Chair Gondorchin related that this is a development on a scale that St. Anthony has not seen in <br /> 18 some time. He stated this plan is representative of the corporate signage that is going on for <br /> 19 entities such as a Knox and a CUB Food Store. <br /> 20 Commissioner Faust explained that when the Planning Commission worked on the <br /> 21 comprehensive sign package ordinance, this was exactly what they were trying to accomplish. <br /> 22 Apache Plaza is bringing the Planning Commission a total comprehensive sign package for the <br /> 23 mall. The intent of the ordinance was to be flexible, to give the major anchors of the shopping <br /> 24 center the flexibility they would need. <br /> 25 Commissioner Makowske asked if Exhibit E, which was received in the packet tonight, was an <br /> 26 actual part of the comprehensive sign package. <br /> 27 Mr. Cavanaugh responded that when the project is completed, there will be approximately 1500 <br /> 28 linear feet of shopping center facade left upon which signs could be placed. Exhibit E, included <br /> 29 in the packet tonight, pertains to that part of the shopping center. In response to Commissioner <br /> 30 Makowske, he assured that there was provision for other tenants. <br /> 31 All Planning Commission members expressed approval of the comprehensive sign package <br /> 32 presented by CUB Foods, Knox Lumber and C. G. Rein Co. <br /> Jim McNulty, . Anthony esident stated that he is "for" the sin acka a because you don't et <br /> h', Y g P g Y g <br /> 34 a project like this and then try to keep it a secret. <br />
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