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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 20 <br /> 1 Al Rogers, St. Anthony resident, asked if there would be any signs facing Stinson. <br /> 2 Mr. Cavanaugh reported that they did not own any property on Stinson. The only place available <br /> 3 to put a pylon is 250 feet off Stinson and he did not think it would be visible from that distance. <br /> 4 Dr. Carr, St. Anthony resident, asked it anything done with the curbing in the parking <br /> 5 lot. Mr. Cavanaugh explained that the curbings are there for a reason, to direct traffic. <br /> 6 Ron Rasmussen, Tires Plus Store Apache Plaza, asked if there would be provisions made on the <br /> 7 pylon for any of the existing stores in the mall. He wondered if it was possible to build the pylon <br /> 8 bigger so that everyone who wanted to be listed on it could be. <br /> 9 Mr. Cavanaugh stated that their is still room on the pylon for one tenant. Typically, the space on <br /> 10 the pylon is based on square footage of the tenants. The center currently has 40 tenants and there <br /> 11 could not be space for all of the tenants on the pylon. <br /> 12 Pat Tomason, Apache Watch and Jewelry,asked if there would be a listing of all the tenants on <br /> 13 the outside wall of the mall. <br /> 14 Mr. Cavanaugh stated that this was something the center was trying to achieve. • <br /> 15 B. Review Drainage Plan for CUB Foods and Knox Lumber. <br /> 16 Dennis Palmer, Barr Engineering,presented the proposed drainage plan for CUB Foods and <br /> 17 Knox Lumber. Barr Engineering was hired by C. G. Rein to do the site development as far the <br /> 18 water quality and the run-off issues. At the time they were hired,they were told by C G. Rein, <br /> 19 that there was a strong interest on the part of the City and the Watershed District regarding the <br /> 20 run-off and the quality of the run-off into Silver Lake. Barr Engineering met early with members <br /> 21 of the City staff and the Watershed District to identify a series of regional as well as site specific <br /> 22 issues, that might have to do with addressing water quality problems. At that point in time, <br /> 23 dealing with these problems on a regional basis was almost impossible. So C. G. Rein's only <br /> 24 choice was to deal with these issues on a site specific basis. The main objective was to get as <br /> 25 much run-off as possible into the ponds. The areas to the south,by the tire store,through CUB <br /> 26 store, could be captured by installing two ponds. Run-off could be captured from the Knox store <br /> . 27 and building by installing one pond. The area from the tire store down through the Bank is very <br /> 28 difficult to capture because the existing storm sewers that would have to be incorporated into <br /> 29 those ponds, are below the elevation that the ponds can be installed. Also, ponds in this area <br /> 30 would have a serious impact on the availability of parking for CUB,the mall and for the Bank <br /> 31 area. Barr then had interaction with the Rice Creek Watershed District and the City to find what <br /> 32 would be appropriate with them. The final proposal calls for three sediment and water quality <br /> 33 improvement ponds. The ponds were designed and were in accordance with the requirements of <br /> 34 the Watershed District at the time they were designed and the permit application was submitted. <br /> 35 The permit application was submitted in 1993. Since that time, this proposal has been approved <br />
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