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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 21 <br /> 1 by the Rice Creek Watershed District but has now been tabled because of a petition for an EAW <br /> 2 and the resolution of the issues involved there. <br /> 3 Commissioner Faust asked what portion of the run-off would be captured in those three ponds. <br /> 4 Mr. Palmer estimated that approximately 60% of the total site is captured in ponds. The portion <br /> 5 that is not captured in the ponds is the run-off of the roof and a portion of the parking lot which <br /> 6 goes directly into the storm sewer. <br /> 7 Mr. Cavanaugh clarified that approximately 79% of the parking lot was captured in the 3 <br /> 8 drainage ponds. <br /> 9 Bill Zawislak, St. Anthony resident, asked where the water was going now. <br /> 10 Mr. Palmer explained that at the present time all the water runs down into the storm sewer on <br /> 11 Silver Lake Road which runs north and eventually discharges into the southeast corner of Silver <br /> 12 Lake. Then when the pressure in the storm sewer goes down, the water flows backwards and <br /> 13 goes down Silver Lane. With the proposed drainage plan, the water will still go there but it is <br /> 14 temporarily detained in the detention ponds, where the sediments are captured and there are <br /> provisions to skim off floating debris. These procedures will remove 40% of the phosphorous in <br /> 06 the run-off water that flows from the site. <br /> 17 Paul Haik, Attorney representing the Silver Lake Homeowners Association, stated that everyone <br /> 18 in the Association is very supportive of the project and would like to see it go forward. He stated <br /> 19 that the petition is filed with the Environmental Quality Board, a State agency that is specifically <br /> 20 responsible for supervising and coordinating projects that impact the environment. A petition <br /> 21 was filed with them, asking them to assess the impacts of this project. He explained that the <br /> 22 process is very quick. The Environmental Quality Board will designate either the City or the <br /> 23 Watershed District to decide if an assessment needs to be done. This decision has to be made <br /> 24. within 15 days. We are well into the 15 days and expect someone to be addressing that soon. <br /> 25 The only thing specifically asked for in the petition, is that a public meeting be held, so there is a <br /> 26 specific place where people can come and hear more concretely the issues that the Association <br /> 27 wants to be raised. He stated that they are requesting this because it is a long term issue that <br /> 28 won't be revisited for many years. <br /> 29 Commissioner Makowske asked if there was anything beyond an Environmental Assessment <br /> 30 Worksheet(EAW)which has been proposed in the petition. <br /> 31 Mr. Haik explained that there are two basic parts. The assessment is a seven page worksheet <br /> 32 with 40 to 50 standard questions. It is meant to give an idea of the impacts. He presented the <br /> Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, (MPCA), Best Management Practices on How to Handle <br /> Storm Water. What the Association is asking is "do the Watershed requirements implement <br /> 35 these standards?" It is the Association's viewpoint that the best management practices <br />
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