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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 22 <br /> 1 recommended by the MPCA are feasible and are a prudent alternative to the requirements that <br /> 2 Barr Engineering is abiding by. There is a significant difference in what the MPCA recommends <br /> 3 and what the Watershed District is requiring. <br /> 4 Commissioner Bergstrom inquired as to the timeliness of the Environmental Quality Board <br /> 5 (EQB). He also asked how long it would take to do the EAW, if that were required. <br /> 6 Mr. Haik stated that the local government unit that will be making the decision whether or not to <br /> 7 perform an assessment, has 15 days to make that decision. He was not sure how long it would <br /> 8 take to go through the EQB, but stated that.he felt they were usually very prompt. <br /> 9 Mr. Palmer explained that assuming the responsible agency moves forward diligently, that <br /> 10 responsible agency being either the City or the Watershed District, and they were able to fill the <br /> 11 EAW out within a week or two, and submitted it, a notice of it's availability is then published in <br /> 12 the State Registrar. It then begins a 30 day review period. If there is substantial public response, <br /> 13 this review period can be extended by 15 days. The responsible agency, again the City or the <br /> 14 Watershed District, needs to respond in writing to all comments received within 7-15 days. <br /> 15 There are then findings by the responsible government unit as to whether or not an <br /> 16 Environmental Impact Statement is required. This would be required if they found, for any <br /> 17 reason, that there was substantial and irreversible environmental impacts that required a more <br /> 18 detailed analysis. This statement would then have to be published in the State Registrar. He <br /> 19 stated that if all goes well, the process could be completed within 90 days. <br /> 20 An unidentified resident asked if the petition can be withdrawn. <br /> 21 Mr. Haik stated that the petition can be withdrawn. He proposed that another alternative would <br /> 22 be for substantial compliance with what the MPCA requires. Another alternative is for the <br /> 23 Watershed District to finance the necessary improvements which could be designed by Barr <br /> 24 Engineering. <br /> 25 Mayor Ranallo expressed his support for the project and the lake but reiterated that there are only <br /> 26 so many things that can be done. He feels that what the City has done thus far, is about all they <br /> 27 can do with the money they have available. He stated that the Watershed District has made it <br /> 28 clear that they will not be putting any money into this project. He stated that there appears to be <br /> 29 no options with the petition involved. Time is of the essence in this project and CUB Foods and <br /> 30 Knox would like to get started on the project. Also,Apache needs to move the tenants to the <br /> 31 other side of the building so they can begin demolition. He expressed concern that 90 days may <br /> 32 be too long to wait. He related a commitment from C. G. Rein Co., that when more construction <br /> 33 was done in that area, the drainage would again be addressed and more changes could possibly <br /> 34 be made at that time. <br /> 35 Mr. Haik stated that the association realizes that the City has made enormous efforts. He said <br /> 36 they are only looking for what is feasible and prudent. <br />
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