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4 - s <br /> is only about 40 feet from the lot line. Commissioner Bjorklund • <br /> then .indicated he would- like to hear more about what the City' s. <br /> liability would be if it permitted a development where the runoff <br /> caused damage to a neighbor's property. Commissioner Wagner <br /> indicated he believed the church officials would have ample time <br /> to work out any differences with their neighbors in the month <br /> between meetings which tabling the matter would provide. Mr.- Childs <br /> said that all six adjacent property owners closest to the proposed <br /> addition would be notified of the continuation of the hearing. <br /> Motion- by Commissioner. Jones- and seconded by Commissioner Bowerman . <br /> to continue the -public hearing on the Elmwood Lutheran .Church <br /> expansion plans to 7: 30 p.m. during the Planning- Commission Meeting . <br /> August 16 , 1983., .to. give the church building committee an opportunity <br /> of .working :out their mutual concerns about those plans with their <br /> neighbors and to report back any adjustments in the plans which <br /> resulted from those meetings. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> At 8: 45 p.m. the Chair opened the public hearing to consider granting <br /> of a conditional use permit which would allow for the operation of <br /> a non-alcoholic bar in a commercial district for the property operated <br /> as Chick' s Billiards at 2523 Harding Street N.E. by reading the <br /> notice of the hearing which had been mailed to all property owners <br /> within 350 feet of the subject property and published in the Bulletin <br /> July 7. <br /> No one present reported failure to receive the notice or objected -to <br /> its content. The Manager confirmed that he had received no calls or <br /> letters related to the proposal from any of those who had received <br /> the notice. He indicated the applicant, Robert Slick, 340.0 Buchanan <br /> Street N.E. might want video games sometime. in the future, but these <br /> would not be transferable from Chick's .under the City Ordinance. No <br /> permit for music or dancing is required under the City Ordinance he <br /> added. <br /> Mr. Slick said he would be renting directly from Mr. Saliterman, <br /> since the shopping center owner considered the property to be <br /> abandoned by the Chick' s proprietors . He said his establishment <br /> would be named "The Alternative" since it would provide. an alternative <br /> to alcoholic beverages. -and atmosphere normally found .in other - types <br /> of bars . He anticipates there is a real need for an establishment of <br /> this type since none has been provided closer than Blaine and. told <br /> of the- successful operation of •a. similar facility, The Dry Dock on <br /> Highway- 10. His hours of operation would be from 4:00 p.m. to <br /> Midnight, Sunday through Thursday and 4: 00 p.m. . to 1:-00 a.m. on <br /> Friday and -Saturday. His establishment would cater to adults over <br /> 18 years of age and beverages would be almost the same as other bars <br /> with the exclusion: of- alcohol, according to ..Mr. Slick and he...had <br /> attached a copy=.of the . rules .he would enforce with his application <br /> -along with an explanation of the type of facility. he..would run. The • <br /> two pool tables , he• would'.have would not be coin operated and .would <br /> require no license-. and although A.A.. members could be expected to <br /> come to. the .bar., there' would -be no- regularly scheduled meetings . <br /> Only sandwiches-. cooked- in the microwave oven and snack food would <br />