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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes <br /> 12 <br /> May 8, 2001 <br /> Page 3 _ <br /> 1 Hubmer responded that it would be owned by the property owners. <br /> 2 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if there were any additional taxes on this land because of the <br /> 3 improvements. City Attorney Jerry Gilligan responded that there would not be any:additional <br /> 4 taxes. <br /> 5 Motion by Councilmember Thuesen to adopt Resolution 01-059, re: Award bid for landscaping <br /> 6 of storm water pond. <br /> 7 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8 D. Resolution-01-060. Award Bid For Central Park Redevelopment. <br /> 9 City Manager Mornson introduced Bob Kost, of BRW, after expressing his concern over the high' <br /> 10 cost of this project. Mr. Kost reviewed the bid process with the Council. He stated that the bids <br /> 11 were received on May 1, 2001, and that there were twenty-six interested.parties at the close of <br /> 12 the bidding. He stated that only three bids were received, and the lowest bid was nearly. 11% <br /> 13 over the engineer's estimate. He also mentioned that all three contractors made significan t errors <br /> 14 in their bids. <br /> 15 Mr. Kost stated that the bid tabulation was complicated. He indicated that there was a base bid, <br /> •16 and eleven items that were listed as additions,or deductions, as.separate items from the base bid. <br /> 17 Mr. Kost stated that the reason for the option to add, or deduct these items was to make the <br /> 18 bidding of the project as flexible as possible with regard to the investigation of the contaminated <br /> 19 soil, and all areas affected by it. <br /> 20 Mr. Kost indicated that some of the interested parties expressed their concern with the <br /> 21 contaminated soil. <br /> 22 Mr. Kost stated that, after much deliberation with the Parks Commission, he recommended that <br /> 23 the Council reject the bids, review the plans,and prepare for a re-bid. <br /> 24 Councilmember Thuesen asked if they were to reject the bids, would some of the contractors <br /> 25 who did not submit bids have fewer projects then, and be willing to submit this next time. Mr. <br /> 26 Kost indicated that was their hope. .. <br /> 27 Councilmember Thuesen asked if, now that more is known about the contaminated soil, there is a <br /> 28 greater possibility that more would be interested. Mr. Kost indicated that he believed there <br /> 29 would be less fear surrounding the project. <br /> 30 Councilmember Thuesen asked for some specific dates on the project. Mr. Kost indicated that <br /> 31 just after Labor.Day would be the best time to begin the project. <br /> •32 Councilmember Hodson asked why they would not begin sooner. Mr. Kost stated that summer <br /> 33 jobs would be winding down, and, hopefully, more of the contractors would be looking for more <br /> 34 jobs. <br />