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MEMORANDUM <br /> PATE: 5/8/01 <br /> MEETING DATE: 5/15/01 <br /> TO: <br /> Planning Commissioners _ <br /> _ . <br /> FROM: Susan Henry, Assistant City Manager 1, <br /> City RE: <br /> Ci Monument Sign Recommendation <br /> .:- <br /> As you know, the City Council is interested in an electronic city monument near the City <br /> HalllCommunity Center Building. Last month at the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission/City <br /> Council, there was consensus to go ahead with the city electronic monument sign,justifying public <br /> purpose as the reason. <br /> Originally, the sign subcommittee considered an update to the sign portion of the code to allow <br /> electronic signs citywide. While this is still under consideration, that is not the recommendation at <br /> this time. Allowing the have electronic reader board signs requires making an ordinance <br /> change to allow electronic signs for public purposes only, in specially zoned areas, such as <br /> Recreational/Open Space. If the Planning Commission were agreeable with pursuing this, the <br /> public hearing on the ordinance change would take place on June 19. The Council would then have <br /> three hearings on the-case (June 26, July 10 and 24). <br /> -The Monument Sign.Subcommittee was formed elate last year to study the issue as it relates to <br /> need, location,.and current city-code. After studying the potential, the. preferred is on the hill .near <br /> the tennis courts at 37t' and Silver Lake Road.-The recommendation includes the monument sign <br /> to be attractively landscaped and built into the side of the hill. This scope of work will probably cost <br /> more than originally planned due to the fact that its more elaborate. However, this location makes <br /> the most sense and ties in with the City improving the City Hall/Community Center campus. An <br /> alternate location is in front of Central Park, along Silver Lake Road. This option would probably <br /> cost less money. It may be a budgetary decision to eliminate the more elaborate sign location. <br /> Currently, there is not money budgeted for this item. The Council will need to take a look at funding <br /> of the expenditure in 2001 or 2002, if necessary. The expenditure is unknown at this.time until the <br /> design concept and bids are received for the project.. <br /> Once the ordinance change has gone through its procedural channels, city staff can go ahead and <br /> begin working.with a firm for design concepts. What input would the Planning Commission like to <br /> give to the design firm in terms of what the:sign should The design firm could draw <br /> concepts for both potential sign locations.:ls it important to establish standards for maintenance <br /> and operation? This is an`approp.nate time to make those comments. The Council and Planning <br /> Commission mentioned at the joint meeting the importance of tying the project to the same firm that <br /> will be working on Central Park. This way there can be design consistency between the public <br /> areas. Once the design concept is completed, the plans will be forwarded to the Planning <br /> Commission for comment, then onto the City Council for final approval. if approved, it is hoped the . <br /> project can be accomplished yet in 2001. <br /> Staff Recommendation: Send the project recommendation to the City Council for comment. Begin <br /> the process by making an ordinance change to the sign code stating that the city can place <br /> electronic signs in areas zoned recreational/open space for the purposes of public information. <br /> Attachments: <br /> • Sign Subcommittee Meeting Summary—March 14, 2001 <br /> • Planning Commission/City Council Joint Meeting Summary—April 17, 2001 <br />