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-9- <br /> concern seems to be that any place which stays open all night would <br /> become a hangout for. people on their way home. Councilman . Ranallo <br /> does not perceive there would be too many restaurants with a capacity <br /> • seating- of 50 which: would be interested in locating in St. Anthony <br /> and the Mayor added that the fact .the City has municipalliquor <br /> discourages that .kind of business from locating here . <br /> Mr. Soth then discussed the procedures which must be followed before <br /> the proposed ordinances would become law. He indicated there is no <br /> J legal requirement that three readings must 'be- held,:on�se_p.arate--n ,ghts . <br /> but it would be .possible to approve the second readings at the next <br /> meeting, waive the third readings and adopt one, or even all three <br /> ordinances , at the same . time. Mrs .. Makowske wondered if, since the <br /> beer license in its final form had not been presented for Planning <br /> Commission consideration, that .a public- hearing would now be necessary <br /> before the ordinance could be. adopted. Mr. Soth told.her - ther-e-;ar-:e <br /> only certain ordinances like the one. which. changes- the classification <br /> of uses , which require a public hearing; and, although the Council <br /> decided to .hold .that particular- hearing before the Planning Commission, <br /> they have . always had the power to conduct such hearings themselves . <br /> Councilman Marks .indicated .he is concerned with placing additional <br /> economic restrictions on -Apache 's ability to find tenants. and requested <br /> that "restaurants , cafeterias , . and delicatessens" be deleted from <br /> Section 460 . 10 of the ordinance which restricts the hours of operation <br /> for. that type of business as well as other businesses which have been <br /> defined as "recreational establishments'.' . Mr. Childs pointed out that, <br /> if his suggestion were to be followed, any existing restaurant in the <br /> • City would be able to change its hours of operation as well. Council- <br /> man Ranallo questioned whether there would be any basis for making <br /> such a distinction. He said he would rather not get into whether <br /> certain businesses . are desirable or-not desirable , but rather to <br /> prevent any business which generates late -night traffic and noise <br /> from adversely affecting the residential neighborhoods . <br /> Jim Cassidy who lives across. from .Apache at 3529 Coolidge Street N.E . , <br /> objected strongly to having any type of ' all night business open close <br /> to his home . <br /> When Mr. Kozlak indicated he -believed the ordinance should not be <br /> limited as to location, Mr. Zinner objected-, saying Apache Plaza is <br /> completely isolated on 51 acres and separated from any residential <br /> developments by an open field- and railroad track on the south; a <br /> main thoroughfare on the east and "there is a berm which protects the - <br /> neighbors in Mr. Jones ' area" . He insisteda mall restaurant, located <br /> inside -the building, should cause no disturbance for the neighbors . <br /> As proof, he mentioned that the. Italian restaurant in the shopping <br /> mallhad stayed open past 1 :00 A.M. for about a month recently and, <br /> as far as he knows , there wasn' t a single complaint made to the City. <br /> He insisited the Apache management should be permitted to continue <br /> to make the judgments as to whether or not prospective tenants would <br /> be appropriate uses for their own area. <br /> Por. Kozlak wondered if there might- be a separate zoning classification <br /> • set up for internal malls and. Mrs . Stowell indicated she could look <br /> with favor on an ordinance which would set distances from residential <br />