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CC MINUTES 09141982
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 09141982
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CC MINUTES 09141982
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_10- <br /> developments as a condition for certain business activities . Pyr. Soth <br /> cautioned- against "spotzoning" , but indicated it might .be possible <br /> to set distance standards for .certain business activities which might <br /> be predicated on the noise and traffic they might generate. <br /> Sue Michaelof, 23.19 Harding Street N.E. , agreed that it was the fact <br /> that Chick 's in St. -Anthony would be only a few hundred feet from <br /> homes in her. area- which had caused such an uproar -from the neighbors . <br /> She said she would not expect . that Chick 's in Coon Rapids would cause <br /> the same traffic and. noise problems it would -in St. Anthony because <br /> that establishment was located in a shopping mall which was completely <br /> isolated from the nearest residences several blocks away by a wooded <br /> area which would deaden any noises . <br /> Councilman Marks recalled that several years ago a public hearing- on <br /> a Country Kitchen to .be located just west of the intersection of <br /> 37th Aven.ue_.with Silver- Lake Road hadresulted in that proposal being <br /> rejected because the site was::. too -close to a busy -intersection, there <br /> was not enough room on the site for the restaurant and adequate <br /> parking and the restaurant's -siting so close to a _residential area <br /> was considered unacceptable .by the neighbors. He suggested no action <br /> be taken on the ordinances that evening and- instead,. the City Attorney <br /> be directed to write an -ordinance which would not place so many <br /> restrictions on Apache. Councilman Ranallo was adamant that any <br /> restaurant in Apache which stayed open all night and generated .a level <br /> of noise and traffic which disturbed the.neighbors was "exactly the <br /> type of business residents have indicated they don' t want anywhere in <br /> the City" . He said he always considered the Burger Chef to be a part <br /> • of Apache and the thought of that restaurant staying open all night <br /> right across from the townhomes which are being built by Sid Johnson <br /> frightens him. He reminded -Councilman Plarks that he himself has <br /> complained about the noise generated by. tennis players across from his <br /> home in Central Park and asked him how he would like a restaurant in <br /> that same location. <br /> Councilman I-larks then questioned .how much delay there would be for <br /> Apache to go through all. the procedures to get certain businesses <br /> established inthe mall and he was told it would be. up to the Apache <br /> management to inform the prospective tenants of the restrictions so <br /> they -could start the process long before they intend to open. Council- <br /> man Enrooth said the panning Salon which recently opened in Apache <br /> had to wait a month before- it could open but he did not believe the <br /> planning process had really been a major burden in that instance. <br /> Mr. Zinner cited 20 years of experience of Apache , nine of which had <br /> been under the existing ordinance, . where restaurants , cafeterias <br /> and delicatessens had operated .as Permitted Uses. He perceives such <br /> establishments do .provide a service for the community and doesn ' t . <br /> believe an- ordiance change is required at this time . Councilman Marks <br /> asked why the City didn' t just change . all Permitted Uses to Conditional <br /> Uses and Councilman Ranallo said there is a difference between uses <br /> which can be expected to generate traffic and noise and those which <br /> do not. Fie said he did .wonder,_ however; why delicatessens were <br /> included. Mr. Soth said he had, also questioned whether that use fit <br /> • into the definition but the Planning Commission had some apprehensions <br /> as to whether some- eating places in -the metropolitan area, .which are <br /> called delicatessens , are not in reality sit-down restaurants which <br /> even serve liquor. He would hate to -see an all-night delicatessen <br />
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