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-11- <br /> operating next to the Twin City Federal Bank in an. area. where resi- <br /> dents have -been concerned for- years about how vacant- land in front of <br /> them on Silver Lake Road would be developed, Councilman Ranallo admitted. <br /> Mayor Sundland then recalled another incident years ago when a. national <br /> franchise :restaurant which would have generated high traffic, noise <br /> and litter and many other problems forthe adjacent neighbors wanted <br /> to- open up .on Kenzie Terrace and the only reason the City was able to <br /> prevent them from doing: so was. the f act. that a portion- of the land <br /> they wanted to purchase-was zoned- R-1.. He believes -most restaurants <br /> would want to stay open all night'.if the dollar value could be proved. <br /> He said he believes it should be- Apache 's -responsibility to see to <br /> it that applications are made in time..and said this point was demon- <br /> strated to him recently when he discovered a new business getting <br /> ready to open up in the St, Anthony Shopping Center without ever . <br /> contacting th& City officials ,, which he believes, was the fault of the <br /> leasing agent. He told Mr. Zinner that .malting the restaurants a <br /> Conditional Use is not denying. that use but rather just permits the <br /> City to set the conditions for the permit approval. <br /> Motion by Councilman. Marks and ,seconded by Councilman Enrooth to <br /> approve the .first reading of the ..ordinance which limits the hours of <br /> operation for certain business after deleting"re.staurants , cafe- <br /> terias and delicatessens" from Section- 460 :0 and with the same find- <br /> ings as developed by .the Planning Commission. <br /> Voting on the motion: <br /> Aye : Marks and Enrooth. <br /> Nay : Sundland, Ranallo .and Letourneau. <br /> Motion not carried. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to <br /> approve the first reading. of the ordinance which limits the hours of <br /> operation for certain businesses .as submitted except to change the <br /> number of amusement devices in Section 460 :10 from six (6) to three <br /> (3). , finding as did the Planning Commission that: <br /> (1) There was- ample written and verbal testimony by the public, the <br /> proponents , ' and the opponents to support passage of the ordinance. <br /> ((2). No evidence was presented to back up the assertion that businesses <br /> of the types which would be affected are "family oriented" , but <br /> rather, evidence was presented that the hours of greatest activity <br /> . are the very hours that families seldom, or- never, pursue joint . <br /> activities ,since they are universally. regarded as sleep hours <br /> and testimony from the .p.ublic adequately demonstrated that <br /> St. Anthony is a "family oriented community" . <br /> (3)- St. Anthony is a small community with a small police department <br /> and may- be adversely affected- by the necessity to increase staff- <br /> ing if this -ordinance is not adopted. <br />