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CC MINUTES 03251986
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 03251986
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CC MINUTES 03251986
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-8- <br /> When Louis Altmann, 2501 St. Anthony Boulevard, rose to say he lived on the corner <br /> • of Roosevelt and St. Anthony Boulevard and didn't think it would be fair to assess <br /> him for the full 140 feet he owns on the Boulevard, Mayor Sundland told him he <br /> wasn't going to be assessed for the project at all because under the City Assess- <br /> ment Policy, the Roosevelt side of his property was considered the "long side" for <br /> assessment purposes and he would only have to pay for upgrading that street when <br /> it was done. <br /> Virgil Gottwalt, 2717 St. Anthony Boulevard, said the sidewalks on his end of the <br /> Boulevard were all in relatively good shape but the same was not true for the stretch <br /> between Wilson Street and Stinson Boulevard which heaved every winter and posed a <br /> threat for anyone walking down the street after dark. However, Mr. Gottwalt said <br /> he was concerned that, if the top of the new curbs are installed even one inch <br /> higher in his locality, the lowest point in the street, he would have a problem <br /> with runoff on his sidewalks. <br /> Mr. Campbell responded by indicating the proposal was to leave the grade pretty <br /> much the same as it is now, with curbs lowered only to the extent they would retain <br /> the existing drainage. He assured Bruni.s Smoka, 2513 St. Anthony Boulevard, who <br /> said he had just put in new sidewalks, that only the necessary minor changes in <br /> grade elevations would be made so he should experience no elevation problems <br /> with respect to his (Mr. Smoka's) newly replaced sidewalk section. <br /> Mr. Hamer told Ted Lochren, 2617 St, Anthony Boulevard, the City was proposing to <br /> include the upgrading of the storm sewer lines on the Boulevard now because the <br /> costs could be paid for from MSA funds along with the rest of the street improve- <br /> ments, but he cautioned the homeowners who experience occasional flooding on the . <br /> • Boulevard, that their problems would not be corrected until the connecting lines <br /> on Wilson are also upgraded, <br /> Don Everetz, 2901 St. Anthony Boulevard, indicated he owned 105 feet of property <br /> along the Boulevard and objected to the project "in its entirety" because he "was <br /> not interested in having the Boulevard, which is already a 'raceway' , becoming <br /> a 'speedway". Mr. Evertz said he favored doing the Boulevard portion running past <br /> the golf course, which he perceived to be "in really bad shape", instead, at this <br /> time. Mayor Sundland said the homeowner was another of the lucky ones whose corner <br /> lot would not be assessed under -the City's Assessment Policy but would be assessed <br /> when Coolidge Street is done, Mr. Childs explained that no matter what direction <br /> the house faces, the Qrdinance considers only the longest side of a corner lot for <br /> assessment purposes when streets are rebuilt. However, the Manager said, some of <br /> the corner lots on St. Anthony Boulevard have longer front than side yards and those <br /> owners would be assessed for this project. <br /> B-ob Knox, who owns a home on the corner at 2809 St. Anthony Boulevard, commented <br /> that he did not anticipate either Coolidge or Roosevelt Streets would be done any time <br /> in the near future, which the Mayor disputed, saying since studies had shown the <br /> infrastructure of the streets, and under the streets in the southern quadrant of <br /> the City had outlived their normal lives and were only being held together by <br />, etc. Because the streets in that part of the City, which was the first <br /> built, are deteriorating so rapidly, the Mayor indicated he perceived the general <br /> consensus of the Council was that a rebuilding program, in a staged process, of <br /> course, would have to be undertaken very soon. <br /> is Because St. Anthony Boulevard alone among all of those streets qualified for MSA <br /> funding and the City could use tts allocation for a street rebuilding project there, <br />
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