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-8- <br /> The Mayor and all four Councilmembers indicated their full support for having the <br /> program initiated in the City, saying such support programs had been available to <br /> private industry employees for a long time. They also- agreed with the-Managers <br /> suggestion that because this was such a worthwhile program, which would annually <br /> cost the City about $750.00 C$16 per employee) , it should, if possible, be fitted <br /> into existing department budgets, and not delayed until the next budget consideration. <br /> Mr. Childs reported the "Newsletter" had gone out that day and had contained an error <br /> in reporting the number of units in the Walker on Kenzie Project. He then asked <br /> what time the Council wanted to start the work session scheduled April 29th to <br /> receive the report from the liquor operations study group and the Manager suggested <br /> that, since it was apparent a meeting with META and Arkell would be needed soon, <br /> that meeting with the developers, which would have to be designated as a "Special" <br /> Council meeting, could also be held the same evening. The Council decision was <br /> that the liquor operations discussion should be scheduled to be held at 7:00 P.M. <br /> and the meeting with the developers at 8:00 P,M. <br /> As a point of information, Mayor Sundland reported that, before he left after the <br /> Board of Review that evening, Mr. Hanscom had agreed to let those residents whose <br /> appeal of their classification or valuation had been referred to the Assessor's <br /> office, know by letter just what disposition had been made of their requests well <br /> in advance of the May 12th reconvening date. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Ranallo and seconded by Councilmember Enrooth to adopt the <br /> resolution which would fund the recycling/beautification program created by the <br /> Council during their March 25, 1986 meeting. <br /> RESOLUTION 86-019 <br /> A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FUND FOR THE <br /> RECYCLING AND BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Ranallo and seconded by Mayor Sundland to designate <br /> Councilmembers Enrooth and Marks to meet with District #282 School Board in <br /> relation to the City's leasing offices in the Parkview building . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Marks and seconded by Councilmember Ranallo to approve the <br /> third reading and adopt the ordinance which amends the City zoning map to change <br /> the use of the Fisher property on the corner of Stinson Boulevard and 33rd Avenue <br /> N.E„ from "C ", Commercial District, to R-3, Townhouse Residence District, for the <br /> purpose of constructing townhomes on the site. <br /> ORDINANCE 1986-004 <br /> AN ORDINANCE 'AMENDING THE CITY ZONING MAP <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Childs reported he had been unable to locate the paperwork for the application <br /> for a temporary beer license for a softball tournament which was supposed to have <br /> been submitted that day, so nothing could be done in that regard that evening. <br /> However, the Manager said, the matter could be brought up during the special <br /> meeting April 29th, if needed. <br />