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CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 11, 2000 <br /> . - <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 V. COMMUNITY FORUM. <br /> 2 Mayor Cavanaugh introduced Ms. Helen Cullen, 2836 Roosevelt Street, and invited her to ad- <br /> 3 dress the Council. Ms. Cullen presented photographs of examples of snow buildup that had <br /> 4 occurred on her property over the past winter. She pointed out that there was an enormous <br /> 5 buildup of snow due to the low area of the property. She requested that the City arrange to have <br /> 6 the highest points of the snow buildup removed because she feels it presents a potentially danger- <br /> 7 ous situation for oncoming traffic. Otherwise, Ms. Cullen wished to commend the Public Works <br /> 8 Department for the excellent performance in snow removal during the winter months. <br /> 9 Mayor Cavanaugh thanked Ms. Cullen for her input and noted that Public Works Director Jay <br /> 10 Hartman was in the audience and had made a note of her request. <br /> 11 VI. CONSENT AGENDA. <br /> 12 Motion by Horst, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, which included: <br /> 13 1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2000; <br /> 14 2. Licenses/Permits/Petitions; <br /> 15 3. Seven pages of verified claims; <br /> 16 4. Resolution 00-026,re: Voting tabulator lease agreement with Hennepin County. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 18 VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS. <br /> 19 A. Resolution 00-028, re: 29th Avenue NE Sidewalk, Lighting, and Landscaping. <br /> 20 Mayor-Cavanaugh opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. <br /> 21 Cavanaugh reviewed for the audience the purpose of holding the public hearing, which is to re- <br /> 22 ceive public input on a proposed plan on sidewalk, lighting, and planting improvements proposed <br /> 23 to be made in conjunction with the street and utility improvements to 29th Avenue NE. <br /> 24 Additionally, Cavanaugh stated, this is the second time a similar proposal has come before the <br /> 25 Council. The previous proposal was not approved because it appeared to present various hard- <br /> 26 ships to residents on the South side of 29th Avenue. However, certain aspects of the project have <br /> 27 changed and the sidewalks are proposed to be installed on the North side of 29th Avenue. There <br /> 28 is more public right of way on that side, and the City desired to reconsider the sidewalk issue in <br /> 29 accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 30 Furthermore, the City's Comprehensive Plan is specific about sidewalks being included along <br /> 31 major streets, together with other streetscape improvements. Additionally, installation of side- <br /> 32 walks would facilitate transit service and would provide a safety zone for pedestrians. <br /> Cavanaugh recapped that the City's Comprehensive Plan strongly recommends sidewalks for the <br /> community, particularly on major corridors. <br />
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