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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Mayor Cavanaugh introduced Todd Hubmer, WSB & Associates, and invited him to address the <br /> 2 Council and the audience. <br /> 3 Mr. Hubmer stated that he was present to provide the specific details of the sidewalks, lighting, <br /> 4 and landscaping. In this respect, Mr. Hubmer presented a drawing of the proposed reconstruction <br /> 5 of 29th Avenue, from Silver Lake to Stinson, and Crestview to County Road 88. <br /> 6 Mr. Hubmer reviewed the concept plan by stating that there would be two, 12-foot drive lanes, <br /> 7 with 8 feet of parking on both sides of the street. Additionally, the boulevard on the north side <br /> 8 would be 6-feet, with a five-foot sidewalk. Also, the width of the road would be reduced to im- <br /> 9 plement traffic calming. In other words, the road in various places would be narrowed with the <br /> 10 implementation of chokers to reduce traffic speeds, together with the addition of tree planting <br /> I 1 along the boulevard to provide a calming effect to drivers. <br /> 12 Along this line, Mr. Hubmer presented various photographs of options for decorative lighting. <br /> 13 Mayor Cavanaugh invited to audience to ask informal questions of Mr. Hubmer. Various ques- <br /> 14 tions were fielded, including one resident with a suggestion to inform residents of the types of <br /> plantings that are being considered by the City. <br /> 16 Mayor Cavanaugh invited the residents wishing to speak to the Council to come forward. <br /> 17 Don N. Johnson, 2816 29th Avenue, stated his purpose in attending the meeting was to raise the <br /> 18 point that the sidewalk issue was discussed and decided last year. He questioned the need for <br /> 19 adding the sidewalk and felt that personally he had elected the Council to listen to and represent <br /> 20 the residents. He did not feel the addition of a sidewalk would cause a net gain and sincerely <br /> 21 questioned the wisdom of the proposal. <br /> 22 Richard Perrin, 3217 29th Avenue, stated that he brought questions and comments to the <br /> 23 Council. Last fall, Mr. Perrin stated that the majority of the residents of 29th Avenue signed a <br /> 24 petition against sidewalks. The residents instead desired more trees, additional stop signs, and <br /> 25 the intersections to be made more visible. It was his impression that the Council planned to <br /> 26 consider those ideas. He suggested that the Council take a survey of the residents to see how <br /> 27 many take the bus and would continue to take the bus once the route is changed. Additionally, <br /> 28 Mr. Perrin was concerned about adding more concrete to the City's impervious surfaces and <br /> 29 causing more stormwater runoff. <br /> 30 Kim Tillmann, 2904 Crestview Drive, stated that she is a member of the Planning Commission, <br /> 31 but is not speaking to the Council in that capacity, but rather as a resident of the City. Ms. Till- <br /> mann wished to state her support of the sidewalks. When she and her family moved to St. <br /> 46 Anthony about four years ago from Northeast Minneapolis, she stated that she missed having <br /> 34 sidewalks, but stated that she has enjoyed every other amenity of residing in St. Anthony. Ms. <br />
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