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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 04112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 11, 2000 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Tillmann stated her point is that she feels that sidewalks would give a sense of community <br /> 2 feeling and provide a common ground on which people could meet. <br /> 3 Lorraine Mlekoday, 2608 29th Avenue, wished to echo the sentiments of Mr. Perrin and Mr. <br /> 4 Johnson. Her recollection from last year was that the majority of residents did not wish to have <br /> 5 sidewalks. Although she understood the need to view the community as a whole, she does not <br /> 6 see the need for sidewalks. She inquired if the Council was aware of any pedestrian accidents <br /> 7 along 29th Avenue. <br /> 8 Julie Kimbllin, 2705 29th Avenue, held up a copy of a petition that was presented to the Council <br /> 9 last year. She was informed last year that the Council had listened,that the community had spo- <br /> 10 ken, and she was disappointed that this issue had arisen again. She agreed that she enjoyed <br /> 11 having sidewalks when she lived in Minneapolis, but doesn't feel that adding sidewalks to 29th <br /> 12 Avenue would create the community feeling because it already exists. <br /> 13 Michele Schram, 3305 29th Avenue, stated that she spoke to all the neighbors on her block, and <br /> 14 that two families were in favor of the sidewalks, two were opposed, and two were elderly ladies <br /> 15 that were unsure. She stated she has listened to the neighbors, but the sidewalks would solve a <br /> safety issue. Kids ride their bikes in the street and safety becomes a significant factor. <br /> 17 Judy Makoweske, 2919 Rankin Road, stated that she lives three houses from 29th Avenue. She <br /> 18 expressed her appreciation to the Council for revisiting the sidewalk issue because she had been <br /> 19 unaware of the issue last year. The only residents that were specifically notified were the resi- <br /> 20 dents that live on 29th Avenue. In any event, Ms. Makoweske stated that she walks 29th Avenue <br /> 21 on a regular basis and has become aware that it is a dangerous street in which to walk. Cars <br /> 22 travel at a significant speed and she views the street as potentially dangerous and would welcome <br /> 23 a sidewalk. She understands that the addition of sidewalks could impose a slight burden on some <br /> 24 residents in terms of shorter yards, but felt that the safety factor made up for the imposition. <br /> 25 After calling for additional input from the audience and hearing none, Mayor Cavanaugh closed <br /> 26 the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. <br /> 27 Horst felt this issue needed to be discussed further in light of the concerns of the residents. Addi- <br /> 28 tionally, Horst stated that he had been a member of the Planning Commission when the City's <br /> 29 Comprehensive Plan was adopted. The Plan came from ideas derived from the community and <br /> 30 the Planning Commission attempted to maintain and foster a feeling of community in St. <br /> 31 Anthony. The idea was to have sidewalks around the City so that residents could move freely <br /> 32 about, and this has been successfully done in other parts of the City, and without as much <br /> 33 objection. <br /> Although Horst stated he was not involved in the prior public hearings regarding the sidewalk <br /> 35 issue, he was trying to keep an open mind, yet continue to follow the agreed-upon <br />
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