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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 16, 1994 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 City Manager Morrison explained the tentative plans call for an approximate 75,000 <br /> 2 square foot facility with 60-65,00 square feet of outside storage. They have built seven <br /> 3 similar facilities throughout the country, this would be the first one in Minnesota. He <br /> 4 said that this would be a new type of building with outside storage being enclosed within <br /> 5 a building so it would not be comparable to other types of buildings for its value for tax <br /> 6 purposes. He also noted that this system does not use loud speakers and they plan to <br /> 7 direct lighting into the parking area. City Manager Morrison explained these types of <br /> 8 issues can,be addressed with the site plan and restrictions can be placed since a <br /> 9 conditional use permit would be required. <br /> 10 Mr. Cavanaugh spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance amendment, commenting <br /> 11 on declining commercial property values and the impact it is having on increasing taxes <br /> 12 to residential property. He questioned when and if CUB would actually decide to locate <br /> 13 at Apache since there has been on-going discussions of this type for quite some time. Mr. <br /> 14 Cavanaugh stated he looked at different lumber yards to find out where they were located <br /> 15 and found them along freeways, in light industrial areas, and along the River. However, <br /> �6 he did not find any within a retail shopping center. He commented that Apache, when <br /> 7 constructed, was on the "cutting edge" but has now become obsolete with many stores <br /> 18 moving out. <br /> 19 Mr. Cavanaugh stated he feels a lumber yard is not compatible with this area due to the <br /> 20 location of residential and apartments and the low profile of Apache. He also questioned <br /> 21 the amount of lumber sales in a mature community. He urged the City to obtain <br /> 22 professionals to determine the highest and best use of this site and to calculate what the <br /> 23 tax impact will actually be. He also urged the Commission to recommend against the <br /> 24 ordinance amendment request and to consider placing a moratorium on Apache until <br /> 25 professionals can complete a study and make recommendations for this 56 acre site. <br /> 26 Jim Higgins, 2712 St. Anthony Boulevard, concurred and asked if the City was not <br /> 27 putting the "cart before the horse". He asserted that this request is out of sequence_and <br /> 28 should be tabled until a solid proposal is received from CUB. He reiterated Mr. <br /> 29 Cavanaugh's suggestion that a professional be hired to look at the acreage available and <br /> 30 determine the best use. <br /> 31 Chair Gondorchin closed the public hearing at 8:38 P.M. <br /> 32 Commissioner Franzese read a portion of the Ordinance that lists permitted and <br /> 43 conditional uses in a Commercial District. She emphasized that the purpose is to <br /> 4 minimize impact to residential districts and questioned whether a lumber yard fits in with <br /> 35 these types of uses. She commented that while there are uses the residents would like,by <br />