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PL MINUTES 01301996
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 01301996
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Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes <br /> • January 30, 1996 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Chair Bergstrom explained the last category in the approval process are permits required by other <br /> 2 government agencies, such as the Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, and <br /> 3 the Rice Creek Watershed, who determines proper grading, water quality, and run off. <br /> 4 Chair Bergstrom continued this was a portion of a larger context,and that projects get much scrutiny <br /> 5 before construction begins. He continued the Planning Commission's role in the process is to ensure <br /> 6 the projects presented are consistent with current property and land use zoning requirements outlined <br /> 7 in the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 8 Chair Bergstrom explained there were two public hearings on the agenda, one to approve the <br /> 9 preliminary plat to subdivide the lots, and the second to evaluate a request for a setback variance <br /> 10 from the lot lines. He continued a review of the comprehensive sign plan was also on the agenda, <br /> 11 but was not open to public hearing. Chair Bergstrom explained the Planning Commission makes <br /> 12 recommendations to the City Council, but the Council has the final approval. <br /> 13 Chair Bergstrom explained a representative from OPUS would present an overview the project for <br /> 14 the audience, as well as a brief overview of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), <br /> 15 because the scope of the EAW is much larger than what can be reviewed this evening. He continued <br /> 16 a public hearing will be opened, a report will be made by staff, a representative from OPUS will be <br /> available for questions from the Planning Commission and the public, and a motion will be made. <br /> 18 Chair Bergstrom instructed those wishing to comment speak into the microphone, state their name <br /> 19 and address, and to keep their comments brief and to the point. Chair Bergstrom continued the <br /> 20 Planning Commission is very familiar with the Apache Plaza project, and has had several concept <br /> 21 reviews, work sessions, and meetings with staff regarding the project. <br /> 22 Jay Scott, Director of Development of OPUS Corporation, thanked the Planning Commission and <br /> 23 audience for the opportunity to present the project and to share OPUS'thoughts and ideas. Mr. Scott <br /> 24 explained that OPUS is acting as a facilitator and development consultant for the Apache Plaza <br /> 25 project, working with SuperValu, Ste. Marie Corporation, and the City. He continued OPUS was <br /> 26 hopeful to be involved in ownership at a future point. He explained that OPUS Corporation is over <br /> 27 40 years old,and is the largest developer in the nation. He continued that OPUS has developed over <br /> 28 eight million square feet nationwide, 36 percent of which is retail. Mr. Scott explained OPUS has <br /> 29 developments in Maple Grove, Golden Valley, Eagan, and Highland Park, and that he oversees <br /> 30 developments in a five to six state region. <br /> 31 Mr. Scott explained the Planning Commission has a detailed report of the redevelopment plans. He <br /> 32 continued the redevelopment would be completed in one phase, possibly two, but that paramount <br /> 33 to that success would be approval of subdivision of the lot into seven separate lots. <br /> • <br />
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