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ARTICLE XII SALARIES <br /> • The work schedule for all positions covered by this Agreement shall average fifty-six <br /> (56) hours per week, three hours of which is compensated at one and one-half (1- <br /> 1/2) times the hourly rate in accordance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. <br /> Based on the foregoing, monthly salary for firefighter and captain shall be as <br /> follows: <br /> 1991 1992 1991 1992 <br /> Firefighter Monthly Hourly <br /> After three years $2,898 $3,014 $11.63 $12.10 <br /> After two years 2,827 2,940 11.35 11.80 <br /> After one year 2,754 2,864 11.05 11.49 <br /> After six months 2,681 2,788 10.74 11.17 <br /> Start 2,608 2,712 10.47 10.89 <br /> Captain $3,024 $3,145 $12.14 $12.63 <br /> Firefighters working out of classification (Captain) will receive Five Dollars ($5.00) <br /> additional per shift where such out of classification duties exceed eight hours of a <br /> shift. Accrued pay for such work will be made annually. <br /> • ARTICLE XIII SCHOOLS AND TRAINING SESSIONS <br /> All employees shall be required to attend such schools or training sessions as may <br /> be required by the City Manager. Attendance at sessions scheduled while <br /> employees are off duty shall be voluntary for those employees. If, in the opinion of <br /> the EMPLOYER, it is necessary for the employee to return for a specialized training <br /> program that cannot be held during the regular work day, the employee shall be <br /> compensated at one and one-half the hourly rate. <br /> ARTICLE XIV SYSTEM OF PROMOTION <br /> Promotion from Firefighter to Captain and Captain to Assistant Chief and Chief to <br /> be made from within the Department, if enough years experience and supervisory <br /> skill is held by any present member of the Department to qualify, as determined <br /> by the EMPLOYER. <br /> In the event of job openings, the job shall be posted on the station bulletin board <br /> for at least ten (10) days. In evaluating candidates for job openings, if all other <br /> factors as determined by examination, interview or review are equal, the employee <br /> among those tested with the greatest seniority will be selected to fill the position. <br /> • Otherwise, the person with the highest cumulative score shall fill the position. <br /> 8 <br />