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_ t <br /> -2- <br /> 7. Old Business - none <br /> 8. a. Bill Mt.Guire presented proposed plans to remodel Wins Drive-in. <br /> Mr. McGuire would like to open a take out chicken operation at this location. <br /> The Board found no objection to the bubiness and looked favorable to it. No <br /> approval for the building or signs were given at this time„ <br /> b. Upon motion by Elam, seconded by Mesenbring, to recommend to the Council <br /> that Scarp-Heilman Company be allowed a 50x80 addition to the rear of <br /> their building. This addition is for storage only and will not add any <br /> employees to make a parking problem as parking is provided on the south side <br /> of existing building. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> c. No action on Northgate Motel addition as completed plans are not in yet. <br /> 9. Miscellaneous <br /> a. Stan Peickert appeared and discussed with the Board the Apache Plaza <br /> Development Plan. A special meeting of the Planning Board is to be held <br /> on January 30, 1968 at which time the Board will make a complete study of <br /> • the Apache Plaza Development Plan. <br /> b. Upon motion by Englund, seconded by Mesenbring, to recommend to the <br /> Council that the Wakiriak Plat be approved with the stipulation that the <br /> sewer and water lines be put in and paid for by Mr. Wakiriak. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> c. Upon motion by Meidtke, seconded by Englund, to deny the request of <br /> Rodney Biilman to divide the East 11 ft. of lot 8, block 1, Philbrook <br /> Addition and add this 11 ft. to lot 9, which would bring this lot to above <br /> standard width of 80 ft. The Board feels this should be replatted to <br /> conform to Ordinance 62. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> d. No action on Cedar Properties Plat <br /> e. Street Name changes <br /> John Szafranski appeared representing the residents of 312 Avenue N.E. <br /> and read a list of reasons why they would like to make a name change on 312 <br /> Avenue. Mr. Szafranski was asked by the Board to head up a Committee to <br /> submit a list of possible names to be considered at the next Plann4ag Bdo <br /> meeting on January 16, 1968, which he agreed to do. The Secretary was <br /> instructed to notify all residents and owners of tracts of land on 312 <br /> and 322 Avenue N.E. that a public hearing will be held on January 16, 1968, <br /> to give all interested parties a chance to be heard. Mr. Szafranski to <br /> check with Post Office so that there will be no conflict in names used. <br />