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1009.09: THROUGH AND CORNER LOTS: <br /> In the case of through lots and/or comer lots,the square footage of signs shall be allowed for all wall areas facing <br /> said street based on the requirements as outlined in section 1009.08 of this chapter, except that one pylon sign shall <br /> be allowed per interior or comer lot,two (2)pylons for through lots or triple-fronted lots and three (3)pylons for <br /> lots surrounded on all sides by public street frontage. (Ord. 1116, 10-12-1992) <br /> 1009.10: NONCONFORMING USE: <br /> All nonconforming signs in existence on July 27, 1981,may continue subject to the provisions of chapter 1011 of <br /> this title. (Ord. 884, 7-27-1981) <br />